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seeds-germination How To Start Seeds - A Guide to Seed Starting

Good article

I have been starting my seeds in this for several years and like it. http://www.charleysgreenhouse.com/index.cfm?page=_productdetails&productid=8044&s=propagator&cid1=-99&cid2=-99&cid3=-99
Wonderful info. What I've been doing is pretty similar, but I will definitely include stem exercise in my regime this year - should save me trouble later.
Thanks. A good article.

Especially newbies like me, growing for the first time this year. It's handy to have a step by step process to work to.

I've made a start this year from bits of advice from wherever I can get it, and have learned by mistakes.

I discovered the grow pellets, which I liked, but they do seem to lose moisture, as you mentioned.
roflmao...I am glad you guys like my post...

Its not so much that I like it, and I do, its more that we NEED it so people will stop asking these questions. Also it gives us a place to link people to rather than explain it over and over.

Maybe If I report this to THP he will see it and sticky it. Or I'd get ban >.<
Great write up.... I already do most of that... will have to try the fan... my plants often get rather "leggy" before I can transplant up her in the great frozen north of MN.. This year is shaping up to be one of those like not seen for a long time.. very late snows....etc.
absolute newbie here... great article... thanks so much!   There was one part of your post that you didn't go into detail, so i'm not sure if it's important or not, but I was wondering about the state of your germination tray... I have a heat pad set up and the lights ready to go when they pop, but do I need some sort of  dome over the germination tray? I've purchased a Root Shooters tray by jiffy and advanced nutrients but it didn't come with any sort of clear plastic dome... is the dome important?
cotfessi said:
absolute newbie here... great article... thanks so much!   There was one part of your post that you didn't go into detail, so i'm not sure if it's important or not, but I was wondering about the state of your germination tray... I have a heat pad set up and the lights ready to go when they pop, but do I need some sort of  dome over the germination tray? I've purchased a Root Shooters tray by jiffy and advanced nutrients but it didn't come with any sort of clear plastic dome... is the dome important?
domes aren't important but since you have a heater make sure to watch moisture
First off I just want to say this is an amazingly helpful article, this is my first time starting from seeds and so far things are going pretty well, so thanks!  
Second order of business: I have a question regarding some of the cells in my tray. When I was first putting the seeds in the soil I put 1 in each cell, however in some of the cells I put a second seed  since I had some left over.  Now some of these cells have 2 seedlings growing at the same time, which I imagine makes them compete with each other for water and nutes and stuff and in the end would probably stunt their growth.  Would it be better for me to try to separate the seedlings and put them in their own cells or just let them continue growing together?  How would I go about separating them without damaging the roots/keeping the damage to a minimum?