seeds how to water tiny seedlings?

So I'm eagerly waiting for my first seeds to pop in tupperware w heatmat.
I have solo cups full of FFOF ready.
How do you water the little tiny seedlings that pop out?
Just premoisten the FFOF really well before popping the germ'd seed in?
Spray with spray bottle?
Bottom watering the Solo cup with virtually no roots seems counterintuitive.
trying not to be a helicopter parent...thanks
It is tedious, but I prefer to water each cell individually with a little 1/4 cup measuring cup of water... just "splashed" on the surface.  I try my best to minimize the amount of water that touches the leaves of the plants, but it is not a huge deal if they get a little wet.  This is the only way to provide the proper moisture level for each plant individually in their very early life, when dampening off and root rot is a threat.  Some plants require more water than others for a variety of reasons.  If you water them all at once because just a few are getting too dry, then you stand the chance of rotting the others.  In the same way if you let all of them dry out just because a few are not drying out quick enough, you run the risk of damaging some.  As the plants mature it is possible (and preferred) to bottom water them all at once (glory day!!), because the plants that do not dry out as quickly can tolerate excess water more easily than a young seedling. 
So bottom watering the 18oz solocup will wick the water up to the level of the newly popped seed?
I see lots of picks of double solo cups but how much water do you put in the bottom cup? won't the inner cup smoosh most of the water out?
i'm a turkey baster too but i germinate in peat pellets.
if you want to bottom water, take the inner cup ( assuming you put holes in this one)  out and place in a container with a couple inches of water.  the water will wick up to the surface, then remove the cup from the watering tray and place it back in your second cup
twenty said:
if you want to bottom water, take the inner cup ( assuming you put holes in this one)  out and place in a container with a couple inches of water.  the water will wick up to the surface, then remove the cup from the watering tray and place it back in your second cup
Thank you for explaining
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I use this bad boy. Night and day difference.
I use a Tom's Aqualifter pump. It's basically an aquarium airpump made to work with water. It has two nipples that you attach airline tubing to, one for intake and one for output. I fill a one gallon jug with water that I keep next to the plants and feed from that. It puts out a small stream of water that is easily maneuvered around the small plant. Remember to keep your supply water below the output as it will siphon even when turned off.
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