
That is amazing artwork! I have 2 artist brothers who would be quite impressed with your work. Never give it up, and from a noob himself, welcome!
stettoman said:
That is amazing artwork! I have 2 artist brothers who would be quite impressed with your work. Never give it up, and from a noob himself, welcome!
thanks! glad you dig it
Alchymystic said:
Simply stunning! Thanks so much for sharing this! You definitely captured the thematic ‘spirit’ in this work – I instantly see similar and complementary elements in this that one might see in a work by an Alex Grey or Pablo Amaringo! They both being masters of trying to capture and portray that ‘inner/visionary’ essence of things in their art. Very cool concept with the arm and flowering branch; that’s kind of like a ‘key’ that shows it has something to do with peppers (for those who can discern what the flowers are! ;) ) Awesome job!
i did a lot of it under the influence of peppers
Trident chilli said:
Hello and a belated welcome from the UK ... love the art work
chutson99 said:
Well, I finally did that - "Chili Spirit" - watercolor and colored pencil on paper
Hey - I haven't been on here for a while, but i now have prints of this picture (and others) available at: !