harvesting How's the harvest coming along?

Tina Brooks said:
I've got some dried naga here at the shop... stop in one of these days and I'll let you taste them. You'll see why I think Jonathan is out of his league if he really thinks he can eat a whole one of these things!

Visit while i'm in town though; Nathalie won't be able to show you the Nagas.


Why, are the Nagas in the top secret vault or behind protective glass. What are you doing with the dry Nagas?I'd like to visit sometime soon. Expect a call from me shortly.
Visit quick, I leave for Quebec City's Plein Arts next Wednesday. And will be out until the 14th. (Short of getting a booth at the CNE that is, that would get me out town until September 13.

The vault isn't all that secret. But, yes, of course, that's where the Nagas are. We only got a couple from the supplier to test their veracity (and voracity) which we are satisfied with, now we are working with ASTA and the Government to see about bringing them in Fresh. Until then, these precious babies are, well, precious; and are being kept under lock and key.
