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Huge Pet Peeve Rant

My nearest international market has a nice pepper selection other than the dud jalapenos. The Korean peppers are not correct either but they taste good. Nice serranos, ripe Fresno and some wickedly hot red habs. They have the grossly overpriced superhots too. Indian finger hots are super reasonable but hotter than ive had before. A bit too hot for making pakora mirch for me.
My biggest gripe though is the Aji Dulce. Every stinking package they sell is mostly green. You might get one turning ripe out of a dozen. Ive tried them a couple times and the flavor is just too bland even for a seasoning pepper.
Crispee-FL said:
Truth! It wouldnt be bad if these habs were in decent shape... bruised, many were soft and almost translucent. Selling for almost 7 a pound.
Greg H said:
The translucent, orange, and typically rotten hab for $8/pound is a staple at plenty of supermarkets up here.
This bothers me so much more than misnaming the peppers. This is why I swore to grow my own peppers and never buy from the super markets again. I was tired of going to the store only to find the standard fair of half way to rotting, soft, mushy, old, orange habanero pods. When I've grown out the seeds and the plants have had super weak genetics. They are extremely prone to root rot and go into shock from nutrients even in small amounts. 
I saw this topic a day or so ago, and went to the local Publi# to get a few things.  The Habaneros have two morphologies, and I can't be sure whether these are just variations in the peppers, or a mix of similar varieties withing a general "species" for grocer's purposes.  


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I'm lucky being in chicago with so many vendors and options.  I get everything you get plus manzonos, melrose, gypsy, hatch and a sporadic assortment of hotter stuff like ghosts, scorpions, etc at local markets.  
SmokenFire said:
I'm lucky being in chicago with so many vendors and options.  I get everything you get plus manzonos, melrose, gypsy, hatch and a sporadic assortment of hotter stuff like ghosts, scorpions, etc at local markets.  
I'm hoping to offer some of my peppers/ pepper products at a local farmers market when I can. Hopefully this season goes well. 