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annuum HUGE Serrano found at WM

I haven't been eating these very long, but this is absolutley the biggest Serrano I've ever seen. Tried one last night on the grill and it sure tastes like one. Anyone ever see one this large? There is a huge basket of them at the market. I think I might go back and buy another bag.

I don't recall the price per pound but i think it was about 60 cents for big handfull. They are usually a few cents more per pound than Japs though.
There were a couple of giants in the bin when I was at Walmart on Sunday afternoon. I think they were running about $2.99/lb.
Looks like a serrano to me, and damn huge! Very nice find, any bigger and I'd be stuffing em :)

Maybe you can try to find one with a little bit of blush on it, throw it in a bag with a banana, and see if you can't get some seeds to sprout out of it. It's a long shot but giant serranos sound pretty awesome to me.
Yup, they are really tasty. I think I will take another look in the bin for one changing color. PepperJam WM = Walmart. Whole Foods is FAR away from the boonies where I live.
i had found some freakishly big serranos at wm couple months ago so i bought them to give em a whirl and let me tell you.....it was the most disgusting thing ive eaten in a while!!! to date i have not bought another serrano since then because im traumatized of getting some grossness haha just my 2 cents on my experience, one day i hope to eat serranos again...baby steps...baby steps
Please don't judge real Serranos based on Walmart "Serranos", which are definitely hybrids with tame heat for the average American consumer. And if you think those are good (or bad) wait til you try the real thing! Grow the real ones like Tampiqueno, Huasteco, or a generic heirloom/OP variety, although they are significantly smaller, you will surely discover a significant difference in flavor and heat. I can no longer buy Jalapenos and Serranos from large chain stores anymore, I became jaded from eating really delicious and hot ones grown from the garden or bought at a local tienda Mexicana. Just my 2 cents, take it or leave it....
Right on Indiana_Jesse. I've got plants ready to go in the ground this weekend. See, thats the problem. Its still April, and where I am, I'm limited in store selection. I've got to get excited about something or I will just go out on the porch and stare at my plants for hours on end. This makes the wife freak out.
I'm with Indiana_Jesse! The reason I started growing peppers is I could no longer take the tasteless offerings of a supermarket. I thought I was in heaven when a S. FL grower planted 15 acres around my nursery in peppers and said I could help myself.....never found a one with a hint of heat.

Now I grow my own and for serrano, I do grow the tampiqueno from seed brought in from Mexico. I always have fresh seed available if anyone ever wants any.
