
*thumps computer*

Is this thing on?

None of the posts I made this morning have posted.

Well...dang! I'll have to try and be all brilliant and witty and stuff _again_.
Aww, sorry to hear about the missing posts, perhaps those aliens that have been around probing certain members have taken them!;):P
Pam said:
*thumps computer*

Is this thing on?

None of the posts I made this morning have posted.

Well...dang! I'll have to try and be all brilliant and witty and stuff _again_.

maybe your earlier posts weren't that good Pam :onfire: ;)

look at it this way, at least you got to have a practice run!
Pepp3rFreak said:
Aww, sorry to hear about the missing posts, perhaps those aliens that have been around probing certain members have taken them!:onfire::P

So, we're blaming it on imaguitargod?


This post certified rectal probe-free by ANAL-OUT, the latest in anti- alien rectal probe software.
okay, am I the only one who tried to click the anal out link in pams post just to see what happened?? Gullably curious I guess.
Pepp3rFreak said:
Aww, sorry to hear about the missing posts, perhaps those aliens that have been around probing certain members have taken them!:lol::P
So the peppers we're NOT the reason why my asshole hurts?

: runs off and puts on his tin foil hat :

Pam said:
So, we're blaming it on imaguitargod?


This post certified rectal probe-free by ANAL-OUT, the latest in anti- alien rectal probe software.