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Hungarian Pepper?

Hello, I was trying to figure out what kind of pepper I have and came across this forum. This looks like the place to come for pepper ID.

I got a pepper from a family member in Slovakia, who said he got it from a friend, who got in in Hungry. He told me that it is "madarske feferonky" -- this translates to Hungarian Peppers. I planted it inside in January and it had been making peppers for a couple months now.

The peppers grow to about 1" to 1 1/2". They start green, then turn bright red and some darken, but I am not sure exactly when, possibly after being red. The plant is probably about 2'. Each pepper has many round little seeds inside.

I am not a connoisseur of hot peppers, but these little buggers are hot. A few people that say they like really spicy things described them as stupid hot. A couple others said very hot and suggested they are about the potency of habanero, but I think they might not be quite that hot.

I'd like to know what they are just to be able to see how they compare to other peppers on the scoville scale and be able to tell people the name.

Any help would be great!

The Feferonky seeds I have are all this or that .

Feferonky might be similar to Pimemte etc. in other languages.

Google Feferonky pictures and there are pics of pods like you show.

Google spelled it -translator needed - [background=rgb(255, 255, 204)]Maďarské [/background]feferonky , 4000 shu.
:welcome: from the swamp they are probably 10-30k on the scale

Thanks for the welcome. That is probably a good estimation. Hard to tell because you are basing it off my inaccurate ability to judge peppers.

The Feferonky seeds I have are all this or that .

Feferonky might be similar to Pimemte etc. in other languages.

Google Feferonky pictures and there are pics of pods like you show.

Google spelled it -translator needed - [background=rgb(255, 255, 204)]Maďarské [/background]feferonky , 4000 shu.

Feferonky just means chili pepper and madarske just means Hungarian. I tried searching that and it looks like there are several types of peppers from Hungary, and some do look very similar. It must be over 4000 shu, these are much hotter than jalapeños. Hard to say. Thank you for the help.
What I found for the varieties I have is a lot of different pod sizes and heat from sweet to , as you say,well over 4000sku.
A guy I used to trade with a few years ago used to send me a lot of Hungarian and Turkish paprika type seed varieties from the local farmers markets.
They ranged in different heat and pod sizes.
A lot were called by the same name in the markets but were different than each other a lot of times.
Lots of Heirlooms and Landrace stuff out there.