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Husk cherry and GOJI seeds ?


woudl like to know if someone here grow husk cherry and Goji?

Looking for seeds and grow info.

anyone can help me?
Omg I was just about to post on these. I started them in styro cups and promix layer of vermiculite seed layer of vermiculite.
They were from seed I collected in china by smoothing the fruit on tp.

In hydro they grow super fast. I trim it regularly to keep it manageable. I'll post a picture.

It clones very easy. Just keep the media moist and you will have roots in two weeks

More sensitive to ph and I had to add cal mag because I was getting necrotic spots. Only in hydro though.
Talk to the kiwis it is a weed there

Here is why iwas going to write. The unripe fruit are poisonous and I have a little boy. I think I may have to get rid of the plants

I really like the fruit. I'll edit when I have acputer
yep must be carefull in that case!

do you have some spare seed? just want to grow one or 2 bush on my land to have more birds and eat some when ready.
here's the problem. I don't have any ripe berries yet. Some got close and fell off but were still green. I have some close now. I am going to try the messenger thingee.
unlike potawie, i have grown goji for 20 years and mine fruit. originally, i would just mow the plants down, they were the result of my neighbour's bush. the goji propagate underground and tunnel everywhere, thus finding a shoot in the middle of my lawn, some 20 feet from the main root and they move fast in the spring. my neighbour use to call them wolfberry and i never thought anything of it, but the shoots grow a good 7 -10 feet in height and as the shoots mature, they get spikey needles much like an orange tree. i find the shoots very weak and damage real easy. last year, i built a new fence and trampled a lot of the shoots, so this year i only got 1 berry, which gave me about 10 seeds. last year, i grew out about 5 seeds to relocate the plant to a different area of my yard, the seedlings grew in their new soil bed but i won't know if the roots actually took until this year. the purple flower they produce is very bell shape and pretty. in about a month or so, i will try to germinate my 10 seeds and see how they fair in dwc. i believe i have posted a picture on this forum in the past.

i don't find the berry sweet, so it depends on your taste buds. in a side by side taste test, i tasted bitter, a friend tasted sweet. i wanted another opinion because of all i have read, saying the berry is sweet - i just don't taste sweet.

there are lots of places in canada to get goji plants, places in quebec and ontario produce plants for resale(richters).

i haven't played with husk cherry or ground cherry but know there are many varieties and last week i saw packaged seeds available, i don't remember if it was stoke seeds or mackenzie.

another berry you may be interested in, is the haskap berry, it is slowly becoming popular as the new super berry. there are a few places in canada propagating them for resale. they appear expensive to start, i think it was 5-7 plants for $50 and you require a propagator plant(male). so a little more work to get started and keep the bush producing. but they are suppose to be quite hardy producing an elongated blueberry type pod.

good luck.
I have read you can just buy goji berries at your local natural foods store and the seeds in them will likely be viable. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems like it's worth a shot.
yep Ground cherry is the same thing i think.

those fruity ball revovered with a paper like shell
those fruit make extremely good jam :)

Wow the info from all of you here is incredible!
I love it!

Thanks! will check some seeds sellers.. but i always prefer help guys from this forum i know i will have good service and help from guys here...not just a sale anda pack of seeds! prefer paying 2-3$ here that 5$ + shipping to other seeds sellers..
and now the pictures

green husk

necrotic spots on leaves. I recommend watching the PH and foliar feeding with cal mag. My dirt plants don't have the issue. Who knows?

An almost ripe one that will be squished on tissue and sent to hammerfall

Part of my plant. It has been trimmed and trimmed but is still about a cubic yard.
My sister gave me some dried fruit of Physalis peruviana, a kind of ground cherry they have in Peru. Apparently they are very sweet. Three of the seeds I started have germinated and I'm still waiting for them to sprout. It's a first time thing for me.
I ordered Cossack Pineapple ground cherry from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. Never
tried them. I am also getting Giant Cape Gooseberry in a trade. Don't have the seeds yet, but
I'm sure it will be more than I need. Let me know if you want to try them.
well if i can try 2or 3 variety that is good with me! i will be able to see which one goes well in my northern temperature!

so i take all! how do we proceed?
send you some paypal money to pay for the shipping?

Contact me in Private message please to avoid loading the thread :)

hello - just found this thread (and this whole forum) by chance, searching for husk cherry and goji seeds. i see some folks have some they offered to share. any chance of getting some of these? i am happy to send some PP $ to cover costs and shipping. i have a sudden urge to try these in our garden this year . . . thanks for any help or suggestions
I just ordered a Goji Berry plant from Botany Shop Garden Center. They have very reasonable prices and offer a range of plant sizes. They also have excellent reviews on Dave's Garden so I feel pretty safe ordering from them. I'll let you know what it's like when the plant arrives...

Edit: Apparently they upped their shipping prices a bit since ordering from them last... seems to be a common trend with plant sellers as of late.