• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Husker21 2015 Glog

Had just 17 plants last year.  This year the goal is about 50.  Will have a ton of non pepper plants going as well.  But let's face it, we are here for the pods!
Started the following seeds on 1/2/2015.  The # in parens is what has successfully germinated. Planted just 2 of each seed.  If some of those don't pop soon I am going to start more seeds.
7 Pot Jonah Red
7 Pot Red Large (2)
7 Pot Red Original (1)
7 Pot White
Bhut Jolokia Peach (1)
Bhut Jolokia Red (1)
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Ancho/Pablano (2)
Bahamian Goat (1)
Brazilian Starfish (1)
Carolina Reaper
Cheiro Roxa
Clavo Red (1)
Indian Jwala (2)
Jalapeno Cracked (2)
Jays Ghost Scorpion Red (fingers crossed on this one, had some amazing powder of this one and need it in my spice rack!)
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Orange Manzano (2)
Peach Congo (1)
Yellow Scorpion CARDI (2)
Nice list! I decided not to bother planting seedlings of what I can find at homedepot like Pablano and reg jalapenos and serranos. That way i'm not using up my limited indoor space but I did still save a ton of seeds from last years. 
There's a few on your list I don't have, I'm tagging along to see how they do. May add to next winters seed hunt list. 
I dropped that light down.  Probably 5/6" above the seedlings.  
Stopped back at the hydro shop to grab something random.  Scored a free gallon of fresh brewed worm tea.  Gonna water the seedlings with it today and spray them with a diluted mix tonight when the lights go out.
Had a clavo red pop.  But those other seeds are taking their sweet ass time.  
stickman said:
Nice list Chris ... and good luck on 2015!
Will you be growing in pots or in-ground?
I might play with both.  I have done containers the last two years.  I am also expanding the size of my garden this year so I may do a section in the ground.  Thinking about doing the tomatoes in the ground as well.
Husker21 said:
I might play with both.  I have done containers the last two years.  I am also expanding the size of my garden this year so I may do a section in the ground.  Thinking about doing the tomatoes in the ground as well.
I think you'll get better results in-ground than in pots Chris... at least I always did. I think it's because if you restrict the size of the root ball, you restrict the size of the plants.
Husker21 said:
Just ordered new bulbs for the rig.  
Cool! Is that a T5 setup I see?
stickman said:
I think you'll get better results in-ground than in pots Chris... at least I always did. I think it's because if you restrict the size of the root ball, you restrict the size of the plants.
Cool! Is that a T5 setup I see?
Yup T5s. 2' 4 bulb. I have three shop lights with CFL to supplement my dark corners that the two footer doesn't cover well.

I did 17 pots last year. Doing 35+ pots might be a pain in the butt. As long as wifey is still co with me expanding my footprint I will have the majority yhe ground.

Still waiting on some of my cooler seeds to pop. I think I need to start aome backup seeds just in case. I really want to get te jays red ghost scorpion and cheiro roxo going strong.
Man have I neglected this GLOG and to a certain degree, my garden.  My peppers are doing OK.  I think I had a little fert burn and lost a bunch of lower leaves on all of my plants.  This set back my growth.  I am finally getting some decent size to my plants but all 18 or so plants have pods set and are filled with flowers.  So far I am loving the new varieties I tried; cheiro roxa, devils brain, clavo red, bishops hat, brazilian starfish, peach bhut ss and 7 pot red large.  Oh and the manzano is kicking ass.  Such a cool plant.  A few of my hopefuls didnt germ like the jonah and jays.  I ended up giving away all of the jwalas.  But its all good.  I will have more peppers than I need and still be able to send out a box or two of pods for just the cost of shipping.  Once I start seeing some color on my pods I will try to get some pics up.  
Man... I can understand about life getting in the way!  I'd be curious to see your pics whenever you get around to it. You folks have been getting more extreme weather this summer than we have a bit further north. Hope all is well!
I will snap some pics when the sun comes out again... Probably Thursday.  I am really digging the pod shape on the bishops hat, cheiro roxa and devil's brain.  Peach and red bhuts are looking real gnarly as well.  
Second large harvest of the season.  I think I produced about 40 lbs of peppers so far.  Hoping to get another little harvest before the temps drop for good.  14 different types of pods in this shot.  Lots of these went into a 4 gallon batchof hot sauce.  The bhuts and devils brains are getting dried for powder... I might smoke them before the drying process.