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Hydro fert's for terrestrial growing?

Possible? If so how to use and if not; why?

My thinking here is that the combination of A & B supply everything needed. Here in Thailand I can't find a single fertilizer that supplies everything; except for hydro ferts and calcium is nowhere to be found. So, I'm using eggshells with mixed results.
I've never seen this discussed on the growing forum before.
I've found with hydro nutes and soil that the chemical ferts dry the soil out. What is happening is that the hydro nutes feed only the plant and not the soil. However I do use my hydro nutes strategically only once when my plant are still in cups inside to make sure they are getting everything they need in my pro-mix bx. When my plants are outside I much prefer to feed the soil first and thus the plants. I also find it is very easy to over fertilize using hydro nutes and soil. If that is all you can find I would feed everytime you water at ¼ strength or less.:cool:
Are you growing in the ground or containers?
Chemical fertilizers may actually hurt your garden soil in the long run. You're probably better off using natural compost or manure, or organic type fertilizers. In pots its easier and less expensive to use hydro nutes but in my opinion they are usually overkill for peppers which don't really need much fertilizer.
In my opinion its always better to feed the soil than directly feed the plant
Nutes are nutes and the plant doesn't care where they come from, but as said if you're trying to build a healthy soil and go organic, harsh chems can be detrimental to beneficial soil organisms.
AjarnV .... I know very little about Hydro growing. Just what I've read . Some people seem to do very well growing that way. From what I read, for me it seemed there was to much science involved. You had to worry about pH flop in a hurry and all kinds of things that soil doesn't do ... soil is more forgiving .... it's kind of a friendly buffer. You need oxygen , nutes , moisture , and a fairly stable pH.

All you Hydro folks ... cut me slack and don't turn this into a thing about more than what AjarnV wanted to know..... Will Hydro ferts work ?

Not to disagree with PRF because he's forgot more than most of us will ever know. But last year .. my first year .. towards the end of the season my plants didn't look all that great. Some looked much better .. some worse. I grow in deep raised beds. I started using Ionic nutrients to feed my plants. It's a liquid so I figured it was made more for Hydro use. My plants got much better fast. Most every fertilizer claims every thing's in there ! If you feel you need more micro & macro elements you find those too.

My thought is have if you feel you to need try something along this line to get your harvest going better ... give it a try. In the long run I'm thinking a strategy like PRF's and a few others will work better. Everything should work together.

Peace & hope you figure things out ,
P. Dreadie
That's a good question Ajarn. I was actually debating the same thing on my way home from the hydro store yesterday. Picked up my first hydro setup. I have enough habanero plants going right now that I might try the hydro nutes on one to see how it goes. They sure are expensive tho!!
^ P. Dreadie;
Actually, the only thing I can't find is a calcium fert. so I've been milling egg shells in my coffee grinder. I've got 3 orange Habs that have just started to respond to the egg shells. The leaves are flattened and are starting to look pretty good.
It's also possible I need to be a little more patient. ;) I appreciate the input; it does give me an option. Cheers.
Silver_Surfer said:
Nutes are nutes and the plant doesn't care where they come from, but as said if you're trying to build a healthy soil and go organic, harsh chems can be detrimental to beneficial soil organisms.

Organic is always the way I go; except here. The soil here has really thrown me for a loop. I think I'm starting to figure it out now. I do have a hydro set-up I'm going to crank up here in a week or 2, so I've got the "A" & "B" ferts here, but have hesitated to use them.
I prefer soil, but got the hydro as a back-up. Anyway, with aged cow manure and worm compost and egg shells it seems things are slowly coming along. I appreciate all the considerate feedback. Cheers.
DarkTrak said:
That's a good question Ajarn. I was actually debating the same thing on my way home from the hydro store yesterday. Picked up my first hydro setup. I have enough habanero plants going right now that I might try the hydro nutes on one to see how it goes. They sure are expensive tho!!

Expensive, yes. I'm going to hold off on using it for soil. I've just prepared a raised bed in the garden, and it's got leaf compost my wife has been making for the last year. I'm going to add manure and chopped, rinsed coir and plant maybe 5 seedlings and compared them to my potted plants where I've used a commercial soil which I've doctored up. I just have to remember to be patient. ;)