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Hydro Grow Medium

So I have been considering making a hydro bubbler (with GH 3 part nutes) just to toy with. I might only use it for 4-6 plants. I came across the Sure To Grow product line (by accident) and was wondering if anyone has used this product instead of other more common mediums available. It seems like some pretty slick material/medium but wanted to see if I could find some perspectives from actual users.
Holy cow- that seems expensive for a one-time use product. Hydroton and Higromite are both about $1 per liter and are reusable- I'll stick with higromite and rockwool starters, thanks.
See thats what I thought to but if you were a grower who uses rockwool and upsizes as the plant grows your doing the same thing. But Im on your side with this. I watched a video and he said something like "If your tired of having to wash and sterilize hydrtoton...then this is for you" Now I know nothing of hydro systems but am I wrong in thinking that you only have to wash hydroton when it comes out of the bag to get the dust off or perhaps even after a long time sitting collecting dust if its not being used?
True- if you're growing solely in rockwool then it may be competitive- their blocks and slabs are about the same price as rockwool, so it could be an alternative in a slab system.

But your original question regarding use in a bubbler- the exponential increase in cost of a one-time use product is just too much for me.

As for the care and washing of hydroton and higromite- yes, you should rinse them before use. I also sterilize my higromite by boiling the piss out of them in water with a pH level of about 6 just prior to use. That's a small price to pay for a product that will literally last a lifetime.
Yea I see it the same way. I think I am going to build a clone machine and a bubbler for when they get bigger. Anyway is being able to get my plants into the medium in 4 seconds vs. maybe 30-60 a big deal? Heck no? I think most of us spend enough time in our gardens that shaving off a minute isnt going to be something that will wooooo us. But thought I would ask in here and see what all of you though anyway.

Thanks for all the great info.
I germinated some test pepper seeds in tiny STG squares. It was clean and unlike rockwool didn't need conditioning first. They didn't wick water as well as rockwool, but they do work. I'm planning to start a bunch of seeds in them next season, and then transplant to hydroton, coco or soil after I get a few leaves. I don't think it would be so great as a stand alone medium but it's a great alternative to rockwool for seed starting.
So much like it was earlier stated, you would see the small cubes being a viable seed start or perhaps even a clone start solution but not a standalone medium. So since I am thinking of making my own little clone machine, would it at all be beneficial to use the STG cylinders vs. other plugs or could someone expect to see the same results but would be able to reuse the other types of plugs?

After all if other plugs are reusable then that could actually be a nice little money saver.
I use straight hydroton. The hydro shop I use had a very low success rate with STG and stopped stocking it, but will special order it if someone want it. I always use the net peat starter plugs to start mine then clean them off and into my hydro systems. And Hydroton will last forever, all ya have to do is wash it off.
Seems like Hydroton is still the medium of choice. well after I start cloning and get roots on them I will be using hydroton i think :lol:
To me it is also the cheapest medium. I paid $28 for a 50L bag, and that should last for a while. It made more sense also because a 10L bag is typically around $11-12, and it gives me more reason to grow more plants in hydro set-ups.
Well I may get some of the parts needed (this weekend) to make my little cloning machine so if I am able to actually make it, ill be sure to post pics. Thank you all again for your .02 on this.
well i have used alot of stuff in my 6 years of hydro.... i do like the rocks but are a pain to keep clean and they do last a long time i also really like rockwool... i would only use it 1 time so it would cost alot to keep buying.... so now i like a soilless mix here is something i have right now... when your done with it in the hydro system you can use it on your out door plants maybe even use it on seedling, which i have not done... so i would have to say that i like this stuff better than any of the other stuff out there right now!!! just my 2 cents good luck...

redeyes said:
well i have used alot of stuff in my 6 years of hydro.... i do like the rocks but are a pain to keep clean and they do last a long time i also really like rockwool... i would only use it 1 time so it would cost alot to keep buying.... so now i like a soilless mix here is something i have right now... when your done with it in the hydro system you can use it on your out door plants maybe even use it on seedling, which i have not done... so i would have to say that i like this stuff better than any of the other stuff out there right now!!! just my 2 cents good luck...


Sunshine makes a great soil, just alot of the #4 mix is now low in calcium for some reason and it is being recommended to add it when using it.
i have not seen that but i have had good luck just using GH3 part plus all the other stuff you can get with GH ... i will have to check this out for sure

i was using B cuzz soiless mix but the store i go to just had this stuff same price also...
redeyes said:
i have not seen that but i have had good luck just using GH3 part plus all the other stuff you can get with GH ... i will have to check this out for sure

Just an issue that the guy at the local hydro store was informing me of. They have had alot of complaints recently, so now they give people what they need to go along with the #4 mix, and free of charge I might add. And GH is what I use on all of my hydro stuff, works great.