nutrients Hydro grow nutrition schedule - Gold Lable Nutrients?

Hi all, new to the forums and new to growing chilies. I have built a small ebb and flood system in my appartment. I need som help trying to figure out a good nutrition Schedule to use. I have good acces to Gold Lable nutrients's hydro nutrients. They have a generic nutrition Schedule on their webpage but im unsure if that is optimal for chilies.
Also, how often do you guys change the water in your system? Do you just add nutrients and adjust ph or do you change the water every week?
Thanks, sorry for my bad English :)
Thanks, between refills you write, 30 Days.., the Schedule i was provided by the manufacturer calls for adding nutrients every week..
chiles are not as complicated as weed. (some might argue weed is not as complicated as some make it). that's what their schedule is for.
i would just try the week3 veg dose and keep it at that if there are no problems.
niklassthlm said:
Hi all, new to the forums and new to growing chilies. I have built a small ebb and flood system in my appartment. I need som help trying to figure out a good nutrition Schedule to use. I have good acces to Gold Lable nutrients's hydro nutrients. They have a generic nutrition Schedule on their webpage but im unsure if that is optimal for chilies.
Also, how often do you guys change the water in your system? Do you just add nutrients and adjust ph or do you change the water every week?
Thanks, sorry for my bad English :)
And, your English is just fine.   ;)
Belay the recommendations of nutrient manufacturers, they stay in business if you use too much nutrient.
Keep records and make your own schedule.
Usually the dosages are way overboard for growing chilis, so keep an ec meter ready to measure your own fertilizer mix.

I like the Atami Bcuzz line because the bottle have a good working dosages printed in the label and all i had to do lower the dosages for 5ml in every growing stage to make them work for chili growing.

If you cant make the Gold label work for you in the end, give the Bcuzz hydro A+B a try.
Thanks, i just ordered an EC meater, had not realised that i needed one :-) thats how new i am to this, the first seeds just sprouted so...step 1, check :-)
So EC levels? What do i aim for? 1.5-2?
I was given a few test sets of gold lable hydro nutrients, hoping for them to work but thanks for the recommendation, will try them if i dont figure these out. 
Chilidude said:
Usually the dosages are way overboard for growing chilis, so keep an ec meter ready to measure your own fertilizer mix.

I like the Atami Bcuzz line because the bottle have a good working dosages printed in the label and all i had to do lower the dosages for 5ml in every growing stage to make them work for chili growing.

If you cant make the Gold label work for you in the end, give the Bcuzz hydro A+B a try.
You also need something to adjust the ph of the water and a ph measure tool, perhaps a ghe ph test kit.

I have only used the Bcuzz coco A+B stuff, but at max i aim for something between 1.6-1.8 ec.
jup, got it, ph- and a test set, thanks ! i'm thinking that i start with around half of what GL recommends..
Chilidude said:
You also need something to adjust the ph of the water and a ph measure tool, perhaps a ghe ph test kit.