Hydro question??

:hell:I have grown under lights before with great success...Hydro I have not done but I suggest head to your local hydro guy and they may be able to help you. Alot of those guys are into chilli and are a big help. Otherwise a google search and sort out the crappy sites from the rest. Also some past threads on here may help have a look at the old stuff.


fatalii.net (I think)
chiliman.org (again I think)
also any of the gunja sites will show you how to do it cheapest.
Chillis like hydro just need to find the system that works best with you.
It can be remarkably easy or extremely complicated its up to you lol.
There's a member here called Nute that seemed to be quite the hydro expert, but I haven't seen him kicking around so much anymore. I'd give him a pm anyway if i were you...