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Hydro vs Soil

-Soil is always superior to hydro in all situations.
-harsh chemical fertilizers are what you use in hydro gardening.
-Your peppers might grow faster but in the end you will get less peppers, less heat, and a bad aftertaste from your pods.
-Pepper plants dont start from cuttings, only from seeds.

WOW!! Not to be an ass or anything, but these comments are highly ignorant, and just plain FALSE!!! Please do some research or trial grows with hydroponics before making ignorant, outrageous, and false comments. If anyone wants PROOF that these statements are WRONG, just ask and I will post links so people can get EDUCATED!!

Well im not going to wait till people ask for the facts...so here they are. Mods, If they conflict with this site in any way, feel free to take them down.


Actually those statements are all true but I suppose they are circumstancial. Those are my expereiences with peppers and hydro anyways. If you arent retarded though you know that hydro isnt growing with just water its using a soiless medium such as coconut husks or something and water is used several times per day to feed and hydrate the plant. Its a lot of trouble and also expensive to run a hydro system when you could just dig a hole and pop them in the ground. For production hydro may be better but for quality its definetely not. And all your hydro sources and so called PROOF is all just speculation and opinion. So get your knowledge on these things from experience not from magazines and the internet. All im saying is why would you waste your time on a hydro set up that is a bitch to maintain and you need tons of expensive fertilizers since the mediums contain zilch, when you could get some nice manure and dig a hole and put that motherfucker in there and watch it enjoy its life with its roots going down like their supposed to not just hangin out in a root reservoir. Plus good organic soil provides all of the micro nutrients and macros that you need that are hard to come by in fertilizers for hydro. youd need a lot of different bottles and the whole thing gets messy and frustrating, plus if you're running on a pump theres always the chance it will malfunction and youll come home to a bunch of dead peppers.
If you arent retarded though you know that hydro isnt growing with just water its using a soiless medium such as coconut husks or something and water is used several times per day to feed and hydrate the plant.

Insults and rudeness aren't going to get you very far dude. Maybe you should look at the history and definition of hydroponics, you realize its been around for thousands of years. Hydroponics basically means working water ("hydro" means "water" and "ponos" means "labor") Simply feeding your plants with nutrients in the water and not the "soil" is basic hydroponics
But in order to take that clone you had to grow it from a seed anyway. And you could only get one or two off of a young plant and it would either fuck up or kill that plant and theirs no guarantee that theyd take. Why not just start them all from seeds? It seems redundant to start from seed and then clone off an already established plant and then wait longer to get a rooted plant. Peppers take a long time to even get big enough to clone off of and by that time they would already be bearing fruit or ready to put outside so it doesnt make sense to me why youd take clones off them unless you somehow made a pepper mother, which i've never heard of.

Now you're just showing your ignorance and rudeness. There are many good reasons to clone. I like to clone hybrid plants that can't otherwise be duplicated or take cuttings from bottom shoots which aren't getting enough light to be productive. You can also speed up fruiting time by taking clones vs. from seed
Insults and rudeness aren't going to get you very far dude. Maybe you should look at the history and definition of hydroponics, you realize its been around for thousands of years. Hydroponics basically means working water ("hydro" means "water" and "ponos" means "labor") Simply feeding your plants with nutrients in the water and not the "soil" is basic hydroponics

i wasnt meaning to be rude or insult you dude. I just have a set opinion on hydro. If hydros what your into and it works for you than give her hell! it just never worked out for me thats all.

Happy growing
Now you're just showing your ignorance and rudeness. There are many good reasons to clone. I like to clone hybrid plants that can't otherwise be duplicated or take cuttings from bottom shoots which aren't getting enough light to be productive. You can also speed up fruiting time by taking clones vs. from seed

that sounds reasonable. I geuss i dont know what im talkin about. I geuss since peppers are a pereenial you could take clones off a plant after its already bore fruit for that season, that would be convenient for next time since seeds take a while to start
In case you're interested here's a great tutorial on chile cuttings
i think you should google "naturalistic fallacy"


im not going to say you are wrong, but i think you should be more open.

no offense... but damn dude.
the hanging gardens of Babylon were essentially hydroponic. watering with fertilizer is somewhat hydroponic. tho i think a more accurate term is fertigation?

all hydro is is giving the plants the same nutrients they get in soil... in a water soluable form. the harsh chemicals you speak of are all present in soil.
ie they get magnesium and sulfur from magnesium sulfate(epsom salt).
they get calcium and nitrogen(no3) from calcium nitrate.
it goes on and on.

keep in mind that many hydro systems actually use MUCH LESS water than conventional farming methods and have a much lower impact on the environment. you should look at the massive NFT lettuce growing setups people are building inside greenhouses.

also cuttings are valuable for preserving a phenotype that you cannot reproduce with seeds.
I guess I kinda came off as an ass. I didnt mean to be rude either, I just REALLY disagree with those statements by OC, but no need to get pissy, were only growing peppers here. Grow on everybody... :D