hydroponic Hydroponic Carolina Reaper Grow

Hello everyone! I came across this forum and have been reading a ton of posts today! This is my first post.  I will keep this one short.  I am currently growing peppers for the first time. I am growing them hydroponically in a DWC system and the peppers are Carolina Reapers.  Just wondering if anyone has any tips and if the size of the plant in the video link is normal for 23 days.  I can't figure out how to post a picture yet, so the video link is all I have for right now. I have two plants under a cfl light and two plants under an LED light.  I am also using two different nutrients (one in each bucket). I have been posting videos about it on Youtube. Please feel free to check out the latest video here. 
Anyways, thanks for any input and I look forward to reading more on this forum!
Carolina reaper has an extremely long plant to harvest time, typically up to 120 days. So i wouldnt say that it is very small for the time frame.
Thank you both!!  Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I post pictures?  i'm about to make another video but I'd like to share pictures.  So far, both plants with the Sole nutrients are about dead (One under the led the other under the CFL).  The Plants using the Urban Hydroponics are thriving! I am surprised how much they have grown since in the past couple days.   I have started two new seeds incase the sole nutrient plants die.  I really want to make sure it was not dumb luck that they died, but it seems odd that both plants, under different lights, using the same nutrients have not made it. 
-New Earth Hydroponics
To post pictures you have to upload the image somewhere else first then paste the direct link here.
Click the little button here that looks like a picture to post it.

Sorry to hear about the sick plants.
Nice video on your pepper experiment! I will deffinently follow. I am in the middle of my first dwc pepper grow as well. What are the streingth of the nutriants you are using? My first mistake was over fertilizing. I am using GH nutes and my plants really bushy and about 3' high with the leaves being about the size of my whole hand. I am still at seedling streingth! (about 400-600ppm)
Good luck! :onfire:
newearthhydroponics said:
Hello everyone! I came across this forum and have been reading a ton of posts today! This is my first post.  I will keep this one short.  I am currently growing peppers for the first time. I am growing them hydroponically in a DWC system and the peppers are Carolina Reapers.  Just wondering if anyone has any tips and if the size of the plant in the video link is normal for 23 days.  I can't figure out how to post a picture yet, so the video link is all I have for right now. I have two plants under a cfl light and two plants under an LED light.  I am also using two different nutrients (one in each bucket). I have been posting videos about it on Youtube. Please feel free to check out the latest video here. 
Anyways, thanks for any input and I look forward to reading more on this forum!
you are growing peppers for the first time and you are growing reapers hydroponically? That is awesome. Id really like to try a hydro reaper!  I have really wanted to get more familiar with hydroponics.  
Thanks for the responses!  As far as what strength I am following the label.  I currently do not have a way yo measure the PPM.  Today is day #51 I posted a new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgUtpME59as here is the link if anyone is interested.  Thanks for the pic instructions.  Here are some pictures. 
Here is one using the Urban Hydroponics nutrients under the CFL.

Here is the reaper using urban hydroponics under the led

The reaper under LED Top

Under growth under LED
newearthhydroponics said:
Should I top these or let them grow without messing with them seeing its my first pepper grow?
Either way will work well - if you want them to bush out, and you have enough space around the plant (in a 10L bucket my reapers get to about 60-80cm / 2-2.5' diameter) then definitely top them. If you are low on width but have enough space height wise then dont, let them grow upwards.
They look superhealthy, looks like you're giving them some hardcore nitrogen rich stuff. Also great size for 51 days. Below is a shot of my winter grow seedlings I just started (with the orange lid), the first shot is Jan 23, 2nd shot 5th of Feb. The seeds germinated on the 14th of Jan. So whatever you're feeding yours / temperature / lighting, etc, is great, mine will probably half the size when I get to the 51 day mark.

It might mess the the experiment but I think I will top one of them and leave the other.  It is crazy how many flowers it looks the one is about to have.  With peppers do you change the light cycle to 12-12 or if it has flowers leave it where it is at? I am currently doing 18-6. 
Once again, thank you all for the replies. 
Big Kahuna said:
16-8 is what the majority people around here recommend.
In winter I do 16-8 except that I turn my lights on at the end of the day i.e. about 5pm, and leave them on until 9am. Winter sun is pretty hopeless for peppers inside the glasshouse, so I give my plants 16 hours worth of growlights. Seems to work really good.
It has been a while since I posted an update. These pictures are 78 days after I started the seed.  About 3 days ago I got my first flower on the plant under the LED!! Super excited.  Lost count at 60 pods.  The plant under the CFL is smaller but coming along.  Here are some pictures. 
Root System Under the LED



Under Led on the Left. Under the CFL on the Right.
A mars Hydro LED.
I have found a lot of flowers are dropping. Not all but more than what I though would.   I have the pH right around 6 and am going the shake method and q-tip method of pollinating daily.  Am I missing something about the flowers or is it normal for some to drop?