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hydroponic Hydroponic Chilies

Chilihunter says it must be a lie, so it's deleted.

While jumping around on the web today, I found this page:

Sorry, Chilehunter says anything not proven to him must be a lie.

I won't be part of a group with people like that.

Thank him for the 129 deleted posts.
Best of luck mang!

Between Bih and Dorset. Hmm. Both are pain. In good way.

IMO, dorset hotter mouth feel at first, Bih longer last but after a bit ya cant tell much. Both hot as frell, plan a 15 burn time. Will hurt.


Want proof, watch TheHippySeedCo vids.

Recommendation for nutrient level is high by a factor of two.

I have been growing in hydro successfully for years and nutrient level never exceeds 550 ppm or EC of 0.6 to 1.0.

Keep detailed notes on what you do in hydro for about a year.
willard3 said:
Recommendation for nutrient level is high by a factor of two.

I have been growing in hydro successfully for years and nutrient level never exceeds 550 ppm or EC of 0.6 to 1.0.

Keep detailed notes on what you do in hydro for about a year.

I've been keeping my nutrient level at about 550 for a while as well, but I'm seeing deficiencies now. My Jalapeno is in a very mature stage with tons of peppers growing on it. I've been very hesitant to bump up the nutrient level, but I'm getting pretty clear signs of nitrogen deficiency. The past 3 days I have been moving the level up. I am currently close to 1000 ppm / 2.0 EC and it is showing big signs of improvement. I'll be paying close attention to it to see if this ends up being too high, but as of now it looks like it needs it. The 1.0 EC level just hasn't been enough to sustain the plant at this point it seems.