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Hydroponic Mango Tree

I did consider fert burn but ive got two mangos running off the same reservour and its only the young seedling that has burnt leaves,and only on the northern side of the plant. Ive seen no change in the hardened mango from mums house.
I might just lower the ec a touch to be safe! wish i could find some info on what the ec should actually be.
Thats very cool Super David, I think I may just have to hook a blue barrel up to my aquaponic system and try out a mango tree in the new year
Thats very cool Super David, I think I may just have to hook a blue barrel up to my aquaponic system and try out a mango tree in the new year
yes please do! we can compare notes! you would probably have the perfect climate for mangos! ive seen paw paw grown succesfully in aquaponic systems. Throw one of those in while you're at it!
Spotted a couple of little green bumps coming up on both plants! New Growth!!

Thats good to see Dave, where abouts in Oz are ya? I've got a couple concerns at the moment fruit fly being the number one issue that I can see myself having with mangos and other is how cold it gets in winter here, all my chillis died last winter due to the water temp which was bloody cold a few months there I could barely put my hand in for 5 seconds.
I'm in Perth. So we dont get any frost here...nothing that would kill a chili or mango. My mum has had problems with fruit flies but I beleive she got onto something that detered them. I'll look into that this afternoon and let you know what it was.
I'm not sure how cold it gets where you are but maybe you could throw in a submersible water heater into your reservoir to maintain temp through the colder days? They seem to sell fairly cheaply. I plan on doing that next year to extend my hydroponic watermelon and pumpkin season. If I need to anyway.

For Perth Kensington Prides are the best sort of mango for this weather. maybe do a bit of googling to see which mango suits your area. Or even check in at your local nursery, they'd have an idea
Yea this year I've lost all my peppers so far to qld fruit fly which are nasty, my system is about probably about 2500L of water I tried heating it the year before to keep my fish happier but yea my electricity bill was massive so won't be doing that in a hurry, I think the coldest day out here was about 1 degree, It seemed to be the consistant cold water that got to my chillis becuase I have some others planted around the place and they are still very much alive
oohhh yes your aquaponic! that really would take alot of power to heat up.
The temp around here probably bottomed out at 1 as well but my chilies made it. I guess with 2500l of water even during the day the water temp doesn't get much chance to heat up from the sunlight.
I'd give it a shot anyway...but thats just me I wonder if there is a natural way to heat your water without plugging into power. I've seen people run black hoses on the roof of their house to heat up pool water.
very nice!ill give that a good read when I get home! i might join up! its good to see someone else growing trees!! especially mango!

i guess the other thing you could do is have small reservoir that leeches off your main reservoir occasonally. would be cheaper to heat that then. i guess it all comes down to how bad you want it.
Yea well that maybe a possibility actually, I could use a ball valve to slow the flow right down, the most important thing would be it needs to be gravity feed so I don't need extra pumping, your giving me ideas Dave!! Insulates overflow tank controled by a float valve attached to the growbed for the mango tree sounds like it could work
Yea well that maybe a possibility actually, I could use a ball valve to slow the flow right down, the most important thing would be it needs to be gravity feed so I don't need extra pumping, your giving me ideas Dave!! Insulates overflow tank controled by a float valve attached to the growbed for the mango tree sounds like it could work
Now that sounds like a plan!

I'm looking forward to growing the mango through winter because I'm curious to see how a heated reservoir makes it behave. except for the amount of day light hours I'm hoping it just keeps on growing like its summer! Normaly they take years to produce fruit so if I can cut that time down I'll be happy!

when you get your seedling try and get an older grafted one they'll produce fruit faster.
gumtree in perth had mango trees of all different ages for cheaper than what bunnings were selling seedlings. Some people even had full grown trees! but you have to dig the sucker up yourself! and still pay them....how rude

At this stage I think I can safely say they are fairly tough and washing dirt off the roots and even breaking roots while transplanting doesnt kill them! Which is encouraging if you happen to buy a $50 seedling.
I'm thinking i may do a paw paw tree aswell so I could have three 200L blue barrels which is $90 fittings and that figuring another $100 then the dwarf mango tree $40 and $20 for gravel So $250+ bucks later I would be set oh the missus will shoot me unless I sell some machines at work!!!!
It all just keeps adding up doesnt it! but when I set my mind on something I can't help myself!
its an investment really! any of that stuff can be sold on if it doesn't work out!

the paw paws I saw growing looked very healthy in the aquaponics! big fruit! I may have a photo...I'll upload if I can find it

These are a few shots from the hydroponic shop I go to. The area out the back is MASSIVE this lady has Everthing! almost every fruit and vegetable you can think of growing hydropicly. Very Impressive, I can spend ages wandering around out the back. I should have taken more photos but this is what I did take.


I don't know if you've seen much of the ap world but down here we have a dude who self proclaims himself as a guru. He is great for getting people interested in aquaponics because it does work but he is full of crap and if you follow the information he dishes out you'll end up with dead fish. Anyhow he did paw paw trees in ap a few years ago I think the tree broke under the weight of the fruit which from memory was 30+kgs which is crazy for a young plant especially seeing I have red paw paw and I maybe 10kg of fruit of a fertilized tree
wow thats alot of fruit! no wonder why it broke!
the lady has the whole place shaded so she supports everything from the framing that has the shade cloth on it.