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hydroponic Hydroponics In VA

I am researching the idea of hydroponics during the winter months to continue to grow some peppers. I have looked into 2 different ideas, 5 Gallon DWC or Ebb and Flow, and don't know what way is best. I have been told from a local hydroponics store that the 5 Gallon DWC doesn't work in our area because of the 80% or more humidity. But everything i have read says that the 5 Gallon DWC is the cheapest and easiest, and i like that idea alot. I am not that familiar with the Ebb and Flow though. Can anybody give me any clue to which is better to use. The 5 Gallon DWC or Ebb and Flow method, or any other ideas that I might not know about . This is the first time trying this, so please forgive my ignorance in this. Please, any help is greatly appreciated!

Oh, they said because of the humidity, I will get root rot. Not sure if he was just trying to sell me his Ebb and Flow system for $170. That seems a little high for me. Not sure if he was trying to hustle me or not.
Very easy and relatively cheap to set up a dwc so why not try it! Provide lots of oxygen to the roots and should be ok.

Ebb flow is a bit harder to work out but works well when dialled in. I say try dwc first.

Best of luck whatever you decide!
Here is a link to our dwc grow http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/26590-datil-pepper-grow-in-dwc-hydro-under-led/page__fromsearch__1

Here is a link to our diy ebb and flow/ flood and drain http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/26690-diy-flood-and-drain-hydroponics-system-with-root-pouch-fabric-aeration-pots/page__fromsearch__1

You can find our simple 5 gallon dwc systems in the hot pepper market place. We offer 8 different versions, each available for less than $50 including shipping.

That humidity comment is not accurate.
It really depends how many plants you are going to grow. If you're just going to grow a couple, I'd go dwc. If you are growing a lot then and ebb and flow might make for sense.
"That humidity comment is not accurate." - AlphaHydroponics

That is what I was thinking!! It didn't sound right at all. Thanks for the help. I will go with the DWC 5 Gallon bucket version this time and maybe play with the Ebb and Flow stuff next year when I am alittle more comfortable with hydroponics. I am only growing 2 pepper plants this winter due to space constraints. I think i will do Chinese Five Colors and Choco Habs for my first attempt.

Oh, and hot stuff, SEE Y'ALL ON JAN 9TH!!!!! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!
ps. Thanks for the help!
i agree, go DWC. its a very simple method to setup for a first timer. One word of advice though. atleast put a drain valve at the bottom of your buckets. it will make you life a lot easer when you plants are bigger and roots have swallowed you airlines and stones. Learn from your mistakes, and improve every grow. thats all there is to it. Best of Luck, and any DWC questions give me a shout. Cheers