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I am an addict

Well like the title says... I am addicted to opiates. No heroin, but prescription pain medication.

I have struggled with this for about 5 years. The reason I am telling everyone this is because today I took the first step towards sobriety. I talked to my Dr today and have started taking Suboxone. I have taken my first dose and am still going through WD and just generally not having a good time.

My wonderful wife is supporting me 1000% and is doing anything she can to help me and I love her more than she will ever know for that. Anyways, I consider a great deal of the members here as my friends and I could use all the help and support and prayers you guys can give.

Thank you everybody,

The hardest thing to remember is that you are not alone. Yep, you'll be the one dealing with DTs, but you aren't alone. Lean on people when you need them. I have done my share of drugs in my earlier years. There's something to be said about having a clear head and being able to function. You'll find that those days will be your favorite.
Vincent, although I'm new here, I do understand addiction. I've had many a family member and friends deal with various addictions. Best of luck to you. It seems that you have some friends here. Hopefully the THP community can be part of what helps you get through this. Never give up.
I strongly commend you for wanting to get better. I've been in the exact same place, and spent about 9 years on pain meds/heroin daily. We each have to find unique ways to get through it all and back on track, but it is also through the help of others that we supplement our individual strength and identify the reasons we ever used in the first place. Best of luck to you and your family. The healthy life you're seeking is well worth the hard part you're about to begin.
you're already taken the first step (and hardest)
with the love & support of your family... you can do this.

Good luck & prayers are with you in your journey.
Good for you! I know your pain and wouldn't wish it on anyone. To be totally honest, it's going to get worse before it gets better and it will never be easy. I did it. You definitely can too.

Funny thing, I was able to kick about 9 years ago, but haven't been able to drop smoking cigarettes.

Good luck!
You have more courage than many folks. I am very proud to call you my friend and will send many prayers your way. I know you can do it brother.
I strongly commend you for wanting to get better. I've been in the exact same place, and spent about 9 years on pain meds/heroin daily. We each have to find unique ways to get through it all and back on track, but it is also through the help of others that we supplement our individual strength and identify the reasons we ever used in the first place. Best of luck to you and your family. The healthy life you're seeking is well worth the hard part you're about to begin.

I never touched heroin, but was on a 70-80mg hydrocodone a day addiction, sometimes more. Part of the contract I had to sign in order to be on the Suboxone program was I have to send a drug counselor and go to some family counseling as well.

Yes I am looking forward to a healthier life so very much, I am so tired of constantly wondering where I was going to get more lortab... It's exhausting. All the lying and sneaking has worn me out beyond belief

you're already taken the first step (and hardest)
with the love & support of your family... you can do this.

Good luck & prayers are with you in your journey.

Thank you Sy. Yes it was definitely the hardest thing to ever have to tell my wife

You have more courage than many folks. I am very proud to call you my friend and will send many prayers your way. I know you can do it brother.

Thank you Jamie. I am glad you are my friend, thanks for the prayers, I will definitely need all I can get
Vincent, you have a tough row to hoe. You know you have friends and family here. When things get tough, just take a nibble of a superhot, that will put everything in perspective.

Vincent, you have a tough row to hoe. You know you have friends and family here. When things get tough, just take a nibble of a superhot, that will put everything in perspective.

Thank you SL. I like your analogy.. I do indeed have a tough row to hoe. Also yes I do have a great family here and can't thank everyone enough for the support
Take care of yourself, we support you. We want you to overcome~

edit- not just overcome...Kick It's ASS!

cuz that's just the way we like to do it around here. :RockOnHandSign:
Stay strong! You can do this!!! It's gonna be a tough road but as long as you want it you can overcome anything!!! Turn to ppl for support and help whenever you need it! You've got a big family right here on THP that will be rooting for you!!