color I AM BORED!

Gloomy rainy day. Can't do anything outside. Was going to go shopping but I did that
yesterday. Everybody's just watching boring stuff on TV. So, I decided I'm going to post
pictures. Hope you enjoy them.

This is my tepin that I lost and found again

Thanks potawie for these

Black Pearl

Thanks beaglestorm for these

Thanks, Jamie. I did pretty good with peppers this year. Tomatoes were really lousy, but there's
always next year.
Dorkasaurus, I will be overwintering this tepin. Maybe it will go into ground next year.
Thanks morris and justaguy
I wish the peppers on the black pearl would stay black, but they turn red, it's still pretty though.
+ 1 on the lousy tomato year!!! Just today had enough ripe ones to make a batch of homemade spaghetti sauce, and by "batch" I mean enough for dinner, not enough to can.

Hey, what is that pepper that you thanked Potawie for? They are so cute! Look like little Christmas ornaments.

Do you eat the Black Pearl peppers, or are they just for looks? They are very cool looking!
Yah - give more info on those exquisitely gorgeous black pearls!!!!! Where can I get some seeds for those? Edible, or just for visual enjoyment? Either way, I gotta have some! My goodness...those are soooo beautiful! Sorry that you were bored, but it was so good for the rest of us!!!!!! Now I'm on a mission! What else do you have in that magikal garden of yours??????? More pics pleeez!?!?
+ 1 on the lousy tomato year!!! Just today had enough ripe ones to make a batch of homemade spaghetti sauce, and by "batch" I mean enough for dinner, not enough to can.

Hey, what is that pepper that you thanked Potawie for? They are so cute! Look like little Christmas ornaments.

Do you eat the Black Pearl peppers, or are they just for looks? They are very cool looking!

The one I got from Potawie is Chupetinha. If you look at some of his post from last summer you will see his. He grows beautiful
peppers. His looked like it was trimmed.

Some people eat the black pearls, but I don't. It's just for looks.

I really missed the tomatoes. I only got to taste a few. I got early and late blight. Next year I am going to
spray with daconil before I see any blight.