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I counted my chilli plants today

I did an inventory of my chilli plants today and discovered that altogether I have a rather good collection for my first year of serious effort in growing. Never realised that I had so many plants because they are in several different parts of the yard.

At present I have the following growing:

1 x Pequin
2 x Black Pearl
2 x Firecracker
2 x Inferno
2 x Yellow Hot Wax
3 x Diablo
3 x Naga Morich (grown from seed)
3 x Red Savina (grown from seed)
3 x Serrano
5 x Jalapeno
5 x Orange Habernero
6 x Dorset Naga (grown from seed)
6x Lemon Habanero (grown from seed)
7 x Cayenne
10 x Fatalli (grown from seed)
15 x Super Chilli (grown from seed)
18 x Asian Birdseye (grown from seed)

The ones grown from seed are still very small so I am hoping for some production next season.

I still have African Bird, Asian Birdseye, Bih Jolika, Congo Trinidad, Dorset Naga, Kempsey Red and Paper Lantern seeds to try and grow yet.

At the moment I'm making bigger garden beds for some of these plants.
good variety Viykor...

you better get your pickin' hat on when you start to harvest the super chiles...they are mass producers and with 10 plants, I would not be surprized if you get over 3K pods....
AlabamaJack said:
good variety Viykor...

you better get your pickin' hat on when you start to harvest the super chiles...they are mass producers and with 10 plants, I would not be surprized if you get over 3K pods....

I second that! Mine are producing flowers like mad. The largest of my 3 supers is no more than 10" high. I stopped counting at 50 on that plant, and realized I wasn't even half way around and I did not count the smallest buds :D
overwintered outside

bishops cap ,atomic starfish , chile negro de arbol , red manzano , santa fe grande , italian gourmete , dong xaun market , gayanse fireball , cascabel , ecuador pube , orange manzano , serrano , fresno , ancho san luis , inca berry , gypsy , chile de arbol , poblano , cherry bomb , paprila supreme , jalapeno , little nubean , acotch bonnet , harlds st. bart , red chile , yellow tabasco , madame jannet , zambia , earbob , red piquin , anahiem , hungarian hot wax , chocolate habanero long , black scorpion tongue , pepperoncini , white habanero , explosive ignite , trinidad scorpion , california chile , habanero arbol , shishito , cumari ou passarinho , 7 pot , tangerine bell , yellow trinidad , purple jalapeno , red dominica , chile negro , bulgarian teardrop , explosive blast , yellow peter , pimento tangerine , paper lantern , albertos , naga jolokia , peruvian chinense , ajired , aji amarillo , pimento , carmine , cayenne , explosive ember , black pearl , purira , nu mex garnet , nu mex twilight , aji angelo , red peter , orange peter , japone , yellow mushroom , 7 pot jonah , el oro de ecuador , aji habanero , devil tongue , yellow manzano , golden cayenne , mayan love pepper , aji chinchi amarillo , caw horn , xigole , chocolate habanero , peruvian orange , tazmanian habanero , jamaican yellow hot , bigit locoto , queen laurie , aji colorado , aji cito , aji benito , joker hat , jamaican red hot , peach manzano , aji limon , polumbo , purple habanero , carribean red habanero , red savina , columian orange lantern , trinidad scorpion butch , jimmy nardello's , fushimi.
There are a lot of doubles etc.12 red manzanos/rocotos,several yellow and orange manzanos/rocotos,trinidad scorpion varieties,7 pots.
Bhuts and nagas didn't make it.
I've got several hundred sprouts inside...
I have 5 orange habs and 5 thai hot plants. LOL i feel like the poor kid who was super excited to get his 1989 Honda Civic until he saw his class mate pull up next to him in a brand new Mercedes.
UnNatural said:
I have 5 orange habs and 5 thai hot plants. LOL i feel like the poor kid who was super excited to get his 1989 Honda Civic until he saw his class mate pull up next to him in a brand new Mercedes.

:lol: Reading AJ's or Potawie's or Smokemaster's or some other people's grow lists EVERYBODY feels that way!
AlabamaJack said:
good variety Viykor...

you better get your pickin' hat on when you start to harvest the super chiles...they are mass producers and with 10 plants, I would not be surprized if you get over 3K pods....

:shocked: 3K I think I need to get some more bottles.
UnNatural said:
I have 5 orange habs and 5 thai hot plants. LOL i feel like the poor kid who was super excited to get his 1989 Honda Civic until he saw his class mate pull up next to him in a brand new Mercedes.

I had 5 plants when I joined this forum, I blame you all for my compulsive planting. :lol:
A few years ago I figured I'd grow a few pepper plants in containers because the pods in the store weren't that great.
I baught all the varieties the nursery had and grew a couple dozen plants.
Then I started trading seeds on the net.
I found out there were tons of pepper varieties out there.

It was so hard to decide what I'd grow each year I decided to grow them all.
Good thing where I live I can grow year round.
I haven't even made a dent in growing even part of the varieties I'd like to. LOL
My friends get asked by me to bring me back pepper seeds if they go somewhere like Peru or South America for a vacation.
I give them a list and show them pictures so they know what to look for...
Armadillo said:
:lol: Reading AJ's or Potawie's or Smokemaster's or some other people's grow lists EVERYBODY feels that way!
I'm more of a weird, one person Gene Bank. I mostly grow what needs "refreshing" as I constantly share seeds. I'm not too excited about getting a longer list (even though it's already long in a pretty sick way), but POTAWIE seems to be something special. it's more about how many actual plants (and quality of) then the list. I guess with enough hard work I could get myself a miniature field like POTAWIE, but how would keep the plants isolated? it means all pods are for consumption only, no seeds.
LordViykor said:
I had 5 plants when I joined this forum, I blame you all for my compulsive planting. :lol:

I wish I could blame them. I was an addict before I got here, this just reinforces my habit.
I'm trying to grow less varieties this year but you all know its easier said then done:) Also less overall plants but hopefully they will all be bigger than last years'. Next year(2010) will have to be the year I grow out many of my old seeds to refresh my stock, and this might be a p.i.t.a. I've never really had any problems with cross-pollination yet, but some of my special plants get isolated by distance or brought indoors or in the greenhouses. This might all change in the near future, as I'm becoming interested in bee-keeping now:)
I'm trying to grow less varieties this year but you all know its easier said then done:) Also less overall plants but hopefully they will all be bigger than last years'. Next year(2010) will have to be the year I grow out many of my old seeds to refresh my stock, and this might be a p.i.t.a. I've never really had any problems with cross-pollination yet, but some of my special plants get isolated by distance or brought indoors or in the greenhouses. This might all change in the near future, as I'm becoming interested in bee-keeping now:)
I put my seed producing plants under bulbs indoors alone. yes it's a pain in the ass, but makes me feel better when sharing seeds. :lol:
I bring some special plants indoors but only once they are about to flowers, and once pollination is successfull(and labelled), the plants go back outside