I forgot to say "Hi"

I just noticed that I never actually introduced myself. I appologise for that. So here it goes:

Hi everyone! Name's Jon(athan) Passow. I'm a quisi-famous actor living in Hollywood, CA(originally from Cleveland, Ohio). I have many areas of interest includingg conspiracies, graphic design, quantum mechanics, fringe science, weather, and the universe in general.

I suck at spelling, have no sense of smell, but a good sene of humor about life.

So there you have it. Hello everyone!
Welcome. Just checked out your resume, and there is no mention of hot saucepeppers ANYWHERE :lol: Need to add that!
huvason said:
Welcome. Just checked out your resume, and there is no mention of hot saucepeppers ANYWHERE :lol: Need to add that!
hehehe, I sould add that... I'm actually coding a page dedicated to my garden. It should be up in a few weeks. I'll make a post for it when it is up.
Quoting imaguitargod "I suck at spelling, have no sense of smell, but a good sene of humor about life."

The definition of a true chilehead!!! hahahaha

Gotta love it!!
OMG! YOU were in a movie with Johnny Depp!!! I am so not worthy!

I genuflect in your presence!!! --insert genuflecting emoticon here--

Tina Brooks said:
OMG! YOU were in a movie with Johnny Depp!!! I am so not worthy!

I genuflect in your presence!!! --insert genuflecting emoticon here--

Lol. Ya, I got to hang out with him a little too. He's cool.
Whatchoo talking about Jon??? He's HOT!!!

Btw, you now have my 13 yo daughter and her pal also genuflecting!!

I don't suppose you have any pictures of you with him that I can make the girls squeal over???

Tina Brooks said:
I don't suppose you have any pictures of you with him that I can make the girls squeal over???
Sorry, don't have that. They don't let me take camera's onto set, and if I do, I usually only get a pic of me in costume:



This is me in real life:

Wow, so many people genuflecting...

:: head starts to get larger ::


Here's me being the harbinger of humility... Quisi-famous Actor should know that it is more readily spelt "Quasi"... hehe

Cool boots. I don't suppose you know where I could score me a pair???

I fancied myself an actor once upon a long long time ago. I lost a major audition to the likes of Megan Follows in the last round of casting calls. It broke my heart and it was all over. That was the last time I ever auditioned.

Tina Brooks said:
Here's me being the harbinger of humility... Quisi-famous Actor should know that it is more readily spelt "Quasi"... hehe
:: goes back and grabs quote from original post ::
imaguitargod said:
I suck at spelling,

Tina Brooks said:
Cool boots. I don't suppose you know where I could score me a pair???
Disney's wardrobe department. Those shots are from when I was shooting Pirated of the Caribbean. I guess you might be able to find them if you looked for antique or replica 18th century British military boots(those boots are for my character of the Marine Major).

Tina Brooks said:
I fancied myself an actor once upon a long long time ago. I lost a major audition to the likes of Megan Follows in the last round of casting calls. It broke my heart and it was all over. That was the last time I ever auditioned.
;), I can't tell you how many times that has happened to me. Starship Troopers 2, I had a major speaking role. I've had the script, then they took the script from me and bumped me down to featured, then they gave me the script back. I was on set and they took the script back. I ended up just being featured infront of the camera and got to be killed by CGI bugs... :(

That's the way the business is tho.
I was on set and they took the script back. I ended up just being featured infront of the camera and got to be killed by CGI bugs... ;)

That's the way the business is tho.

And THAT is why I sell hot sauce for a living.

Kevin Bacon was in Apollo 13 with Mary Kate Schellhardt who was in Whats eating Gilbert Grape with Johnny Depp who was in Pirates of the Caribbean with Jonathan Passow.

So Jon has a Kevin Bacon number of 3

How's that? :D