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seeds i found seeds !!!

A big tip here bro, from what i have heard Reimers try to ream you, if you know what i mean. Around here they are dodged like the black plauge!!

Just thought i would let you know :)

Edit: $15 for five seeds! Bugger me, i should start selling them at $14 :) Just have to wait until i get my seeds and grow the pods...lol
redeyes said:
did i do something worng ??? if so sorry !!!

Not at all mate, it's great that you are willing to share your finds! It's just that peeps have have had trouble with reimers (so i have heard), just thought i would let you know before you ordered any seeds. There are peeps who are happy with their purchases as well though so it is up to you:)

Buyer beware!!

Don't tell him i told you but Prairiechilihead had some 7-pot seeds that he was willing to give out, maybe you could P.M. him and ask really nicely:)
I'm glad to hear the feed back !! I was thinking about them for a few types that I haven't found else where as of yet.

If it saves me funds or heart ache I'm glad to know.

P. Dreadie
Well I actually ordered those. nipped mine as soon as I found out they're Annuums. :shocked:
My Gigantia Jals turned out ok, though.
ok i will not order anything from them !!!! but where are good seeds places to order from ... i have like $50.00 bucks buring a hole in my pocket ..... i need seeds !!!:oops:
If you want 7 POT I don't think anywhere reliable sells them. You will probably have to find someone with extra seeds from their garden and hope they didn't let it cross.
Redeyes, I've got a few extra 7-Pot (Jonah) seeds I can send you if you haven't found any yet. Let me know if you want them.

redeyes said:
ok i will not order anything from them !!!! but where are good seeds places to order from ... i have like $50.00 bucks buring a hole in my pocket ..... i need seeds !!!;)

First stop... the hippy seed company .... from one of our revered members

My second stop would be peppermania.com....good selection of peppers, excellent service, Beth (the proprietor) may not have all you want, but what she has is excellent stock.

Third stop... tomatogrowers.com

Fourth stop...Uncle Steves hot stuff... Ushotstuff.com

fifth stop... Pepper Joe ... pepperjoe.com

sixth stop ... trade winds fruit.... tradewindsfruit.com

that ought to take care of that $50...

I have ordered from each of these and am very satisfied with their seeds... the reason I put pepperjoe at the bottom is he is expensive IMO....hippy is in Australia, the rest are in the USA.
dang Potawie, forgot that one...