I Have A Miner Fly Infestation

I live in the outskirts of Tucson and this is the second year I've been growing peppers and like clockwork the moment it hit 100 the miner fly came out in force any solutions. Oh and I think I got other critters too. They are cutting my pigeon pea seedlings. I think the are moth larvae. How do I get rid of them
From the THP pest guide (which you really ought to read)
  • Leaf Miners IMG
Threat level: 1.5 (typically wont kill plants, just looks bad)
Location: every where except Antarctica
Control: No controls for the vegetable leafminers are recommended. Many insecticides have poor activity against these insects and often insecticide applications will make problems worse, by differentially destroying natural enemies.
Biological Control:AACT, Predatory insects. Spiders like Orb Weavers catch the adults in webs.
Prevention: Keep your grow area clean of leaf litter and allow for predatory insects to roam your garden.
Damage caused: Tunneling in leaves
I don't mean to hate, but I think 99% of the population would recommend against systemics on edible plants, lol... Also, one of the first google searches for imidacloprid is that is has low toxicity, but still extremely toxic to bees.
Just throwing that info out there.
mrgrowguy said:
I don't mean to hate, but I think 99% of the population would recommend against systemics on edible plants, lol... Also, one of the first google searches for imidacloprid is that is has low toxicity, but still extremely toxic to bees.
Just throwing that info out there.
In the words of my entomologist: "Imidacloprid is fine as long as you don't care about being a dick to bees"
The truth is it gets used for aphid/whitefly control on bell pepper fields (non-organic of course).