I recently through together a sauce that was basicly a mix of ornimentals and misc cayennes and some chiletepins, i decided it was time to really try a douglah, the only other time i had them was in BHUT CAMPS COUNT DOUGLAH he sent me, THAT STUFF WAS AWESOME!! (its long gone by the way)

WELL!! i took 3 douglah and put them into the above sauce,

i let it age about a week then a few nights ago i decided to marinate some chicken breast in this stuff

i let it sit to warm marinate for about 6 hours covered with plasic wrap

i took the chicken direcly from the pan that they where marinating in and put them sauce and all in to the shake and bake bag and well to make a long story short the flavor was incredible!!, i stuffed myself so full i was glad it was the weekend, cause i would not have been able to work like that!! :lol:

i was always a little bit of a fence rider when it came to the scorpions but no more
douglah is now on my fav list

thanks so much

your friend Joe
I have just been eating a few fresh douglahs from my greenhouse this week, so far I have not been impressed either by heat or flavor. Maybe I just suck at growing them. The three I have eaten have been really small, probably half the size they should be. So far mine have very little flavor, hopefully they can change my mind too.
I have just been eating a few fresh douglahs from my greenhouse this week, so far I have not been impressed either by heat or flavor. Maybe I just suck at growing them. The three I have eaten have been really small, probably half the size they should be. So far mine have very little flavor, hopefully they can change my mind too.

mine and my friends where good size and the heat was not what i call a superhot but i did enjoy the flavor

at least not the ones i used Bhut Camps Count Douglah was a different story they where hot

did you or seth get any douglah from the field day during the fest if so what did you think of the heat?/

let me know

thanks your friend Joe
Judging by last years harvest, the Douglah is hotter than the Bih Jalokia. I really like the flavor too. Definately one of my favorites,
The Douglah is one of my very favorites Joe!
Wonderful flavor and Douglah powder is absolutely awesome!!

I am surprised that you wouldnt rank them as a super.

The Douglah is one of my very favorites Joe!
Wonderful flavor and Douglah powder is absolutely awesome!!

I am surprised that you wouldnt rank them as a super.


only the ones i had did not seem to be too hot either that of my tolarance is alot higher that i even give my ownself credit for

i was very impressed with the flavor!! and as i said in other threplies here, i had another sauce made with them that was hot, and also very tasty\
thanks your friend joe
Kevin needs to send you some of his Douglah powder Joe. That will change your mind with the quickness! :hot:

that would be great however i begininning to think there may have been other factors at work here as to why it wasnt too hot

first > ME im not Superman when it comes to eating this stuff but i do after many years of eating hot stuff have a reasonable tolarance

second > there was some sugar in the sauce

third > i only used 3 douglah to 8 ounces of sauce
fourth > peppers do tend to vary depending on many circumstances

so i will not say douglahs arent hot, they are afterall a scorpion

im just saying the ones i had could have been duds

thanks your friend Joe
YES a cross between 7 pot brown and trinidad scorp, thatrs what im told anyway?

DOUGLAH is the Trinidadian word for Halfbreed- have a friend from there

thanks your friend Joe

I suppose it's possible. It's true about dougla meaning a half-African half-Indian person. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dougla But maybe that refers to the color of the pods and not necessarily being a cross? We'll probably never really know its lineage unless someone wants to do some DNA studies on it I suppose. They don't really show much if any scorpion shape though and they're usually labeled as "7 Pod Douglah". Plus I was under the impression that the Brown 7 Pod was a relatively recent cross and probably not as old as the Douglah, but I may be wrong about that.
i have half breed on my fore arms,if i was into peppers back in the day i would have gotten douglah,,doooohhhhh.. :banghead: :rofl: