• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

I have no idea what I'm doing


This is my first time going from seed. I'm pretty sure I haven't screwed anything up yet. I'll get around to that later.

For now, we've got:

Sown circa Feb 16:
  • Aji Lemon drop: 0/20 Germinated (Suspected bad seed, gave up. Not even a radicle had popped)
  • Orange Hab: 4/4 Germinated (these are the guys in coco coir in beer can bottoms)
Sown circa Feb 27:
  • Mariwiri: 7/8 Germinated
  • Yellow Fatalii: 4/4 Germinated
  • NuMex Centennial: 2/2 Germinated
  • Zavory: 3/3 Germinated
Sown circa March 6:
  • Bulgarian Carrot: 3/6 Germinated
  • Jamaican Red: 0/10 Germinated
All but the jamaican red, orange hab, and lemon drop seeds came from Ajijoe. He's the man, and his seeds have awesome germination rates.

I have them all under two 42-watt 6500k cfl's with a heat mat set to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

I had been bottom watering with distilled water, but the air is pretty dry right now, and I need to water every day. Watering with distilled every day was costing some serious money, so I recently switched to filtered (but still pretty hard) water. I'll probably purge from the top with distilled water every couple of weeks or so until I get home and I can use rainwater.

All seedlings are in promix, except for the habs, which are lagging far behind in coco coir (no perlite, it's expensive around here).
They are planted 2-3/cup, and they will be transplanted to individual 3 oz cups when they get their third true leaves.
During this transplant, I'll probably thin out the weaker guys.
After a month or two, I plan to get them under a 150 watt HPS until plantout.

The roots on these guys are intense. I have seedlings with their first true leaves measuring only 1 cm, and they have tap roots 3 inches long!

If anyone has any constructive criticism, I'd love to hear it. I've learned a lot from lurking around here and listening to the community, and I hope to learn more yet.
I guess no news is good news.
In-ground bulgarian carrots. Doing well-ish.



Potted carrot flowered later, but more prolifically.

Wiri Wiri

A different Wiri Wiri


Sorry about the tilted images. I'm still new to the forum. I'll rotate the pics later.