Be very careful leaving a humidity dome on with sprouts. Very thin line from helping to hurting. I killed a bunch of mine one year not keeping an eye on them.
I'll usually pull the sprouts and put them into solo cups once they've got their first set of true leaves and/or if they're touching the top of the dome. Â
As soon as I see sprouts I pull the dome and park it till next year......I had two seeds in each of a 72 cell tray and every seed but three made it.......I guess it depends on how viable your seed stock is and your starting methods of germination....I pre soaked for a night before planting.....used a heat mat as well.
But like I said when I see sprouts the dome is gone and the others soon come a looking for their buddies.
I usually remove the cover when the first sprouts appear. By this stage, I water them very lightly. Don't want to drown the seeds, but don't want them to dry out either. Doing this, I usually get 80% germination all up, all factors included.So not too bad... Just keep an eye on them either way.
I remove my dome once they sprout. Unless they have a helmet head, in which case I leave the dome on for another day or so. And use a toothpick to get a little condensation off the sides of the dome, and stick a water droplet on the husk to hang there and put dome back on. It usually shucks the husk within a day, then bye bye dome.