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I just got my ass kicked

Orange Habanero Review

Kicked my ass, it did.
Good grief that thing was a ripper. Almost on par with the devil's tongue. I don't know if they cross pollinated with a hotter variety or not but wow this is gonna make some good concentrate.

Uploading video to youtube, I'll post it in the review section.

Edit for youtubey goodness
Orange hab is ranked 3rd or 4th....

What is your surprise?;)

I am used to the "this jalapeno is extra hot!!!" threads, but orange hab? that and the chocolate are to be respected.

Thanks for posting, not meaning to make you feel silly.
Just the level of heat compared to other habs I've grown. I grew quite a lot last year and really enjoyed them, they were hot, this pepper was hotter than a normal orange hab.

My garden is all open air and they're right next to my devil's tongue peppers, so I'm thinking this one may have been a cross.
A cross doesn't show until the next generation.


A bell pepper plant in a field of 7 POTs will be no hotter than any other bell plant.

The seeds, if you grew them, would most likely be crossed.
Orange habs kick my ass all the time. Not near as bad when I cook with them except when doing poppers. The worst is not the inbound but the outbound. Last batch of orange hab poppers gave me hunan hole for 2 days!

Salute', TB.
Hahaha, hunan hole!

Thanks for letting us watch you in pain Skydiver! I still haven't done a full Hab, yet....
Orange habs aren't nearly as hot as the superhot Nagas, etc but you ate a really big one and the capsicum really hurt you only because of the sheer amount of it that you put in your mouth.
Philipperv said:
Orange habs aren't nearly as hot as the superhot Nagas, etc but you ate a really big one and the capsicum really hurt you only because of the sheer amount of it that you put in your mouth.

Could very well be the case. I just know that the endorphin buzz I got from it was great.

Thing that scares me is that most of my plants are like this, making freakishly large pods. I have a bhut growing that is creeping up on 5 inches long. The hab I ate was middling size. There are tons of them that dominate a gold ball in size, my devil's tongues are the same. About the only normal sized pods I'm getting are the jalapenos and the aribibi gusanos.
Smallish plants, freaky big pods.
I guess I can live with that.

I will freely admit, though, that the bhut and the trini might scare me enough to slice them in half. I don't know yet. I may just go nuts and do a whole one, or I may put on a dress and admit my cowardice.
about the 4:35 mark, then again at the 7:15 mark it looks like you had a moment of zen...I could almost hear you saying mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

thanks for the vote of confidence with the concentrate, but I can't take credit for that...the basic recipe came from BillyBoy....

great video SD....
Nice job Skydiver. That thing was huge! I have some store bought Orange Hab seeds as well, but I won't be growing them until next year. The pods that they came from weren't very hot. Hopefully the home grown version will have more heat as yours did.
There are many types of orange hab, but they don't seem to be labelled or seperated the way jalapenos and other popular peppers are.
I wouldn't say they are anywhere in the top 10 for heat, but I've seen some rated as high as 295529 SHU which is still pretty damn hot
nice no dairy. Habanero's are hot. about right on the nine minutes. whenevr i eat fresh habs its about ten minutes or at least feels longer, def scares me to eat a whole jolokia or scorpion though too. is there some one on here that eats naga's and jolokia's scorpions, fresh and whole on here?
JayT said:
There are many who have at least once.

Sadly not yet for moi. But I have eaten exactly 20 hab poppers in one sitting. Geezuz H. Christ in a chicken basket! I had boiling hot magma mud for 24 hours straight. Good times.:mouthonfire:

Salute', TB.
I noticed you said "these are just regular store bought". Never underestimate the supermarket. It might not be the most consistent source, but I get some mad hot orange habs from my local grocery store sometimes. Whenever I get some that I'm going to cook or make sauce or salsa with I always eat a piece first to test out the batch to determine how many I'm going to use.
Thanatopsis said:
I noticed you said "these are just regular store bought". Never underestimate the supermarket. It might not be the most consistent source, but I get some mad hot orange habs from my local grocery store sometimes. Whenever I get some that I'm going to cook or make sauce or salsa with I always eat a piece first to test out the batch to determine how many I'm going to use.

This one was garden grown, the first one I did was a store bought just to kind of get a baseline heat level.