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I just lost my garden

GrumpyBear said:
maybe you could find a nice secluded part of a park and use that...

No geeze thats where the pot is!!!lol j/k
Im going to make a few calls tonight and see whats up...Im shure ill find something and with all this damn snow I have a bit of time before I plant..lol Well I hope anyways lol
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Incidentally, I was driving around a small village that I work for the other day and was looking at some vacant lots that are just a chore for someone to have to mow every summer. I was thinking that you might be able to make a trade with the land owner of a vacant lot. Use part of it for a garden in exchange for keeping it mowed. I know that most communities have laws that require the mowing of grass. Just a thought...
I'm sorry to hear about your garden.

There should be local gardening clubs advertising in the papers soon. They usually know all the area community gardens.
And since everyone seems to be on the net now, I'm sure with the right keywords, you can find either the gardens or clubs. Just test-searched my area and our local Food Bank knows where there are gardens too.

Good Luck on finding "homes" for your plants.
Pepperfreak said:
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Incidentally, I was driving around a small village that I work for the other day and was looking at some vacant lots that are just a chore for someone to have to mow every summer. I was thinking that you might be able to make a trade with the land owner of a vacant lot. Use part of it for a garden in exchange for keeping it mowed. I know that most communities have laws that require the mowing of grass. Just a thought...

I have a buddy with 10 acres I could have used it no problem...out in the middle of no where..hes under house arrest because of his stupidity for a year so I could have done the mow thing but between the deer,cougars,fishers even with a fence and being 15 mins outa my way I dont think it woulda worked...Im set up well now but almost took that approach
I even told him id rent the land he said no its mine to my disposal for the garden....last week I had to get my tiller and other stuff off of the property....in a nutshell my cousin and her ex broke up and are still broke up but they made friends...
Canuk Pepperhead said:
goddammit I got to buy a house in the country

i hear ya, city just ain't for me. but first i gotta get a job. which means i gotta graduate... but i'm making progress, 8 months without changing majors!

ps- you're at a thousand posts! congrats :)
I didnt realise on the 1000 posts thx I should say thould say I used to live in the city..moved down here at first it drove me nuts but now I wouldnt have it any other way......
Canuk Pepperhead said:
I didnt realise on the 1000 posts thx I should say thould say I used to live in the city..moved down here at first it drove me nuts but now I wouldnt have it any other way......

Yay! You're joined the obsessed with THP club! 1000 posts in under a year!