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I love spring

My peppers today were basking in the sun I put them out noonish and they loved it my one naga grew again..She doesnt fit under the light..yeah im kinda pressing the temps..it was + 12 today but getting warmer by the day..6 hours of pure sun and they loved it...I love this time of year
Yep, tomarrow I'm putting some of my plants outside for a little bit to see how they react.

: looks at try :

"You ready for that little guys? Ready for an excursion?"

: stares at plants waiting for an answer :
spring is so funny in canada. the last couple months of winter tend to drag and no amount of skiing and skating can make up for it, then spring comes along and birds chirp again and everything seems so pretty... but really its the ugliest season for canada, cuz everything is so dirty from all the sand we dumped all over the place during winter and all the yards need raking and all the dog poop that's suddenly uncovered after months of people feeling they don't need to poop and scoop in the winter cuz it gets hidden really fast... and yet it still seems so wonderful...
dang, the wind is blowin steady 30 and gusting to 40...we must have a FRONT coming thru... :doh:
This is my favorite activity early in spring: warm and no bugs......

Yeah, I didn't plant out, even though it hit 70 for 2 days last week, because a cold snap hit Sunday. Hopefully that will do what it did a couple of years ago. Wake all of the bugs up and then KILL them!! (not the ladybugs and spiders though;))

It is 75 today and I will plant out this weekend!
After being spoiled with summer weather for about 3 weeks, the snow and cold weather is back. I'm not too happy about having to heat my greenhouse now after having my shade cloth and blower on for several days to keep temps down.