I rest my case: name shame

I agree with ajijoe and think that people should name a strain for what it actually is. If it grew from a douglah but is yellow than call it a yellow douglah. If it grew from a 7 pod and is yellow, do not  call it a yellow douglah. yellow brainstrain grows orange call it the orange brainstrain. As long as they don't start making up new names except for some really novel crosses that create a new variant entirely i.e the carolina reaper, than just call it what the cross is i.e savannah x bubblegum 7 pod. Or call it by whatever number it is in your grow house. Just don't start misleading people, that's both bad for business and morally dubious. Chiliheads are some of the worst people to mislead/annoy also if you want to be able to open a letter without a burning under your fingernails.
You should just call them all capsicum chinese and quit your whining. Your case isn't rested. The names are not all that different from other fruits.
RobStar said:
The Rennie is a 7 Pot.  Therefore if it is Brown it is a.................Brown 7 Pot.
mmcdermott1 said:
Is the rennie something that is already out there? I have no clue and neither does the person that brought them to us. Does it look like other 7 pots we have? No it doesnt.
I think McDermott hit the nail on the head.  Who knows?
I've grown a couple of these types, for instance the Brain Strain and the Douglah and have seen diversity.  I'm not sure what would be best if I were selling them, for instance Brain Strain (smaller, smoother, extra hot) and Douglah (smaller, wrinklier vs. larger slightly smoother)?  As far as the Rennie is concerned, I think part of the problem is a lot of us only know specific versions of the 7 Pot (i.e., Barrackpore, Brain Strain etc.).  Also as far as I know, in the Caribbean, the name 7 Pot or 7 Pod (whichever it is), only designates that the pepper is very :hot: and doesn't actually refer to one particular version or ideal type.
Spicegeist said:
Also as far as I know, in the Caribbean, the name 7 Pot or 7 Pod (whichever it is), only designates that the pepper is very :hot: and doesn't actually refer to one particular version or ideal type.
Now THAT I find interesting. That could be true. The whole "7 pots of chile" story similar to "3 alarm chili". Not a type of chili, just tells you it's 3 alarms hot. Could indeed be true. But never heard that before.
Then I guess we are all limited to buying from commercial growers, who have developed their strains out a full 8 generations and trademarked the name.
Where the hell is the fun in that?
Seriously---if I buy specific seed at a high cost from a commercial seller, I reserve the right to bitch if it isn't exactly what I paid for.
If, on the other hand, I pay a pittance or grab seeds from pods, I figure 1/2 the thrill is in finding some un-named mutie popping up in a plot of otherwise plain plants.
IMHO, if you are taking the time to make a stable plant, and you wish to give it a name, and stand behind your claim, I have no problem with it.
mmcdermott1 said:
Sorry been on vacation.
I have heard this "douglah" means brown or whatever..and you would be correct. But when you get a NATURAL red or yellow pheno..what are you going to call it other than a douglah? Yes a douglah was named because of its color but a natural strain of the same thing that is a different color is still a douglah. Its just a name. 
an SR is not a "strain". SR is the simply the name of Sarah (who brought a lot of seeds back from her homeland of trinidad and gave these seeds to people) and people attached SR to it to know who brought it back. 
Mafeking Mauve is a pepper I got this year directly from Sarah which she brought back for me in 2012 which is why on my store i put SR behind it. Doesnt mean its something different from the Mafeking Mauve, I just put the SR on it to know where I got it and no it doesnt look like a 7 pot burgandy. If memory serves me correctly the burgandy is one of judy's creations.
the moruga and the brain are NOT the same pepper and you say the brain looks like a 7 pot. Yes you would be correct. If you know the history of this pepper (brainstrain) you would know that Cappy got original 7 Pod red seeds from sarah. They weren't "bumby" like the brainstrain is for the most part. He noticed some peppers that had the "brainstrain" look. He selected these and kept replanting. Eventually he had plants that were producing all pods with the bumpy look. It was a natural pheno of the 7 pod red. 
I have 7 pod brown, douglah and also moruga chocolate and I can tell you they do NOT look the same. If yours do then you dont have true strains.
7 pot rennie..go to my site and the background on this is explained in detail. I believe myself and richard hickey are the only two that got a brown pheno..i could be wrong. If you think this looks like a 7 pot brown you better look again. They look nothing alike nor are they they same heat. The brown is EXTREMELY hotter than the rennie. Is the rennie something that is already out there? I have no clue and neither does the person that brought them to us. Does it look like other 7 pots we have? No it doesnt.
And I DO NOT agree with naming things whatever you want. There is WAY to much of that. When we come into seeds, we grow them out first (at least 1 year sometimes more). We sell them with the exact name we go them as unless we completely know it is bogus. For instance, Fatalii chocolate. We do sell them with the same name we go them as and what everyone (even very reputable people) tells us they are..but to me it is NOT a fatalii. If you look at the description on my store, you will see that I state that very clearly. Could I rename this to something else? Sure, but I don't do that. 
I have no intention of starting a tit for tat discussion.  I would like to clear a few things:
A strain sent over by SR, therefore SR is the origin of that strain - it doesn't mean she's the breeder it just means she was the original source, therefore an SR strain (in recognition of the origin).
My "7 Pot Burgundy" (which is a damn Congo!  Can you feel my frustration) is identical to your Mafeking Mauve.  To the tee.  And I got my seed from pepperlover.
Nowhere has the BrainStrain and the Moruga been mentioned in compared by me.  Please have a look at the exerpt from a CARDI seed catalogue.  The BrainStrain and the "original" 7 Pot are the same thing.  Go way back in THP history and search for some of the posts by Sarah - have a look at the Yellow 7 Pot - it is identical to the Yellow BrainStrain. 
Mike I have no reason to bash you or your business.  And that is most certainly not what has been done here.
It just irks me that so many things out there aren't what they are purported to be.  I commend you for your take on the Choc Fatalii btw.  I along with many others and many more to come have been burned by bs names - believing that I am spending my money on something unique only to find out its just retagged.

My apologies - the exerpt from the brochure won't stay!  I will try upload it again later.

OK struggling to upload the damn thing!  Here's the link to the catalogue
It's the first document - it shows the 7 Pot landrace (identical to a BrainStrain)
RobStar said:
  The BrainStrain and the "original" 7 Pot are the same thing.  Go way back in THP history and search for some of the posts by Sarah - have a look at the Yellow 7 Pot - it is identical to the Yellow BrainStrain. 
This is partially true. These variety were selected (not breeded) for heat, size and pods shape through generations.
Even if the variety is not completely new, the developer may take some credit for the selection work (and hopefully inform customers of the origin).
As a buyer you're free to skip these "novelties" and stick with well known varieties like original 7pot SR.
No doubt someone is riding the superhot wave to make $ but no need to see the evil everywhere ;)
Just my 2c
Chile taxonomy sucks and will continue to suck until USDA or somebody with skin in the game sets up naming conventions. I participated in USDA grow-outs with USDA seeds and numerical identification.......they, at least, are trying to normalize chile taxonomy......without great success, I might add.
Chile heads/marketers have no interest nor profit in good taxonomy.
RobStar said:
I have no intention of starting a tit for tat discussion.  I would like to clear a few things:
A strain sent over by SR, therefore SR is the origin of that strain - it doesn't mean she's the breeder it just means she was the original source, therefore an SR strain (in recognition of the origin).
My "7 Pot Burgundy" (which is a damn Congo!  Can you feel my frustration) is identical to your Mafeking Mauve.  To the tee.  And I got my seed from pepperlover.
Nowhere has the BrainStrain and the Moruga been mentioned in compared by me.  Please have a look at the exerpt from a CARDI seed catalogue.  The BrainStrain and the "original" 7 Pot are the same thing.  Go way back in THP history and search for some of the posts by Sarah - have a look at the Yellow 7 Pot - it is identical to the Yellow BrainStrain. 
Mike I have no reason to bash you or your business.  And that is most certainly not what has been done here.
It just irks me that so many things out there aren't what they are purported to be.  I commend you for your take on the Choc Fatalii btw.  I along with many others and many more to come have been burned by bs names - believing that I am spending my money on something unique only to find out its just retagged.

My apologies - the exerpt from the brochure won't stay!  I will try upload it again later.


OK struggling to upload the damn thing!  Here's the link to the catalogue
It's the first document - it shows the 7 Pot landrace (identical to a BrainStrain)
I have a Brain Strain that is directly traceable to the "mother" plant and a TS Morouga Blend that are not the same pepper.  Although, I could understand the confusion as some people sell both TSMB and Brain Strain that look the same.
I still think it is plausible that the name 7 Pot / 7 Pod was used for a handful of different (but no doubt similar) very hot peppers, that CARDI or anyone took up the name to designate one pepper, sure, but that's on them.
THSC and CARDI are great, so are old THP threads, but your appeal to authority can't bear the weight of your desire for clarity.
The dust will settle one day on all of this.  Just not yet...
willard3 said:
Chile heads/marketers have no interest nor profit in good taxonomy.
this seems like an unfair overgeneralization.  chile heads ≠ marketers.
Spicegeist said:
I have a Brain Strain that is directly traceable to the "mother" plant and a TS Morouga Blend that are not the same pepper.  Although, I could understand the confusion as some people sell both TSMB and Brain Strain that look the same.
I still think it is plausible that the name 7 Pot / 7 Pod was used for a handful of different (but no doubt similar) very hot peppers, that CARDI or anyone took up the name to designate one pepper, sure, but that's on them.
THSC and CARDI are great, so are old THP threads, but your appeal to authority can't bear the weight of your desire for clarity.
The dust will settle one day on all of this.  Just not yet...
this seems like an unfair overgeneralization.  chile heads ≠ marketers.
Plausible it may be but that is the one that she sent over - I just cannot imagine arriving at a BrainStrain from let's say a Rennie - and not in the short time that he did.  The CARDI 7 Pot is THE 7 Pot.  The archetype if you will.
Once again I'm not sure why the TSMB is being brought into this.  It is a very different creature - proven by the NMU to be genetically different to the 7 Pot and the Scorpion landraces. 
"...your appeal to authority can't bear the weight of your desire for clarity." Huh?  Me no understand.  **with fumbling brain, dulled by a full day at the office, he packs his bag to leave and have a cold beer at home**
RobStar said:
Plausible it may be but that is the one that she sent over - I just cannot imagine arriving at a BrainStrain from let's say a Rennie - and not in the short time that he did.  The CARDI 7 Pot is THE 7 Pot.  The archetype if you will.
Once again I'm not sure why the TSMB is being brought into this.  It is a very different creature - proven by the NMU to be genetically different to the 7 Pot and the Scorpion landraces. 
"...your appeal to authority can't bear the weight of your desire for clarity." Huh?  Me no understand.  **with fumbling brain, dulled by a full day at the office, he packs his bag to leave and have a cold beer at home**
haha, ok, what I'm saying is that perhaps 7 Pots existed before CARDI was being formed around 1955.  If they say there is only one genetically stable 7 Pot, that is just what they say, for their research and/or marketing purposes.  The "reality" on the ground, that is on the islands, how peppers have developed for hundreds of years... that's a different story... again, maybe.  For all I know CARDI genetically modified a pepper to make it that hot, I really don't know the story.
smokemaster said:
I believe the original Chocolate Fatalii is a Fatalii crossed with a Peruvian Chinense.

Originally made by the late Scotch Bonnet Steve.

Beth was given these seeds at one time to spread around by Steve.
They didn't really catch on at the time.
Same with several of Steve's other crosses and stuff he developed.

great read up of a little bit of history thanks for the link.
Spicegeist said:
haha, ok, what I'm saying is that perhaps 7 Pots existed before CARDI was being formed around 1955.  If they say there is only one genetically stable 7 Pot, that is just what they say, for their research and/or marketing purposes.  The "reality" on the ground, that is on the islands, how peppers have developed for hundreds of years... that's a different story... again, maybe.  For all I know CARDI genetically modified a pepper to make it that hot, I really don't know the story.
Very good point!  The CARDI version is an attempt at producing a uniform cultivar for commercial agriculture.  Until then it was a Landrace but most certainly not uniform i.t.o. heat, shape, size and days to maturity.  Whilst a landrace is useful for local small scale producers - both for home and market purposes, it is a nightmare for large scale commercial production.  All the 7 Pot variations that have names attached to them are derivations of the landrace and are actually deemed to be cultivars - provided of course they are uniform in their characteristics and are actual 7 Pots.  In the absence of a credible cultivar directory we are micturating in to the wind!
I have been thinking about this a lot.  Many seed accessions (from GRIN, CGI etc) will produce a variable crop.  One can then further select from this for whatever characteristics one prefers.  I guess the original proliferation of 7 Pot germinules that landed on distant shores was pretty much the same.  Having said that the only reasonable conclusion I can arrive at is that all these are to be treated as separate "proto-cultivars".  In that respect then 7 Pot Rennie Brown is not incorrect as it may well represent a different entity to the "standard" 7 Pot Brown.  Not something I particulalrly care for but I'm sure someone out there finds this highly desirable and desperately wants to grow it.  There are also people that collect Star Trek paraphenalia.
The Douglah is another issue altogether though.  It's a bit too long to go into now - just food for though though - remember it is an outcross (not hybrid because both parents are of the same species but different cultivars).  Just think about hybrid regression etc.  I will give my take on it later.
STAR TREK?!?!?!? What the hell`s your beef with that............ :lol:

It`s an interesting conversation, Rob.
Given the huge number of C.chinense cultivars, I guess the question is, when does a cultivar become a cultivar?  Each variety is, presumably, the result of an outcross until you get back to the prototypical C.chinense in a Brazilian Forest (or where ever it was).
And when or how does a Landrace qualify for that designation? 