review I review Joyner's cappuccino ghost powder via my sinus

President Trump said:
Just do a bong hit next time.
hogleg said:
Right after this i walked up the hill about thirty feet and started hallucinating for five minutes straight. It took about three hours, before i could function again. I got the shits in about 40 minutes, that lasted about sixteen hours. My face was destroyed for over 24 hours.
So much fun though. And I feel great right now.
Oh and when i say chunky I don't mean flakes this was a very fine powder it was just compressed from being in my pocket.         cameos by Mawgi Dawgy and Shaman Jahmar
                                                     Sorry for the low quality. best i could get.
And its really good on food to.
Thanks again JHP.

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Much love brudda, ya crazy animal  ;)
Edmick said:
Thanks man. I do like hoglegs pod reviews. I made my wife watch almost all of them a couple weeks ago. Needless to say, she wasn't as interested as me. lol
almost all of them ?
so, not this one  though?  :shocked:  :crazy:  :shocked:
:rofl:  :rofl:
hogleg said:
Right after this i walked up the hill about thirty feet and started hallucinating for five minutes straight. It took about three hours, before i could function again. I got the shits in about 40 minutes, that lasted about sixteen hours. My face was destroyed for over 24 hours.
So much fun though. And I feel great right now.
Oh and when i say chunky I don't mean flakes this was a very fine powder it was just compressed from being in my pocket.         cameos by Mawgi Dawgy and Shaman Jahmar
                                                     Sorry for the low quality. best i could get.
And its really good on food to.
Thanks again JHP.
Bump  :rofl:
cheers Hogleg you crazy mofo  
t0mato said:
You do.....each morning after you eat it. :rofl:
True facts but I only get ring of fire on certain things. Seems to be no rhyme or reason behind it anymore either. The hottest of the hottest hot sauces don't do it as much as some of the "fresh" sauces I get from local Mexican joints around me. It's hit and miss. Totally worth it though :metal:
This blast from the past got bumped back toward the top of my content feed.  Yes, one of the best reviews ever for people who want to snort hot peppers.  So gotta ask: Dear God Man Why?  Wouldnt it be easier to become the catcher on a sharpened lawn dart team?
holy hell
well, i really enjoyed watching that. thanks for your sacrifice lmao. well-made video. i'm surprised you kept your cool.