chinense I Review The Bhut Jolokia (my first superhot review)

Hey Guys.

Here's my first superhot review.

Had alot of fun. definitely will prep my belly more next time, because the brutal cramps i got an hour an a half later when i was out shopping, weren't that fun!

any feedback appreciate. 

It's because I didn't have a full stomach. I hadn't planned to do the review that day, but I had the day off and my wife was out so just did it.

Next time, preparation!

Next test looks like Dorset Naga or peach ghost scorpion (help!)
MeatHead1313 said:
Great review! Was that your first ever whole superhot, or just the first review you've done of one? 
first review of a superhot.

ive reviewed habs and takanotsume but thats the first super.

ive eaten a bhut whole before, just not reviewed
georgej said:
first review of a superhot.

ive reviewed habs and takanotsume but thats the first super.

ive eaten a bhut whole before, just not reviewed
Awesome job! You did much better than I could hope to do!
Chewi said:
You should do more reviews. I enjoyed that one. Nice job!
I would love to, but i live in Japan so it is down to i can review what i can grow sadly.. difficult to get hold of hot peppers here