I Started My Bhut Jolokia's

I ordered seeds from NMSU...I was totally apprehensive about doing it, but in my quest for the hottest pepper on the planet...I took the plunge. So three days ago, it got the better of me, and I decided to try starting 4 plants....if I get one, then I'll be happy....but my thumb is pretty much....green...so I'd really be happy with two out of four germinations.

I would like for four of them to sprout, and the go on from there...but what are the chances? So anyway, here's the deal....they are in a "warm room" about 6-7 hours sunlight this time of year....plus, they get artificial light for an additional 4-6 hours per evening....always warm. I am hoping to see some seedlings by the end of this month...and the first one that pops up....will get a picture taken....and be posted on here. I have read and read about how difficult it is to grow these monsters...so now my journey begins....wish me luck....talk at ya later.:hell:
I'm guessing you plan on growing these peppers indoor this winter and move them outside next year? I find growing Bhuts and Nagas no different than any other peppers in the right enviroment. Mine were not really tall monster plants but short and bushy. We all here understand the urge to start new plants, especially the fabled ghost pepper which lives up to it name. Much luck!:hell:
Good luck with it mate..

I grow Bhut and Bih under lights for a month then when the days started to get warmer i put them outside for short periods then after a week had them out all day. they were out one day and it poured rain for about 9 hours while i was at work and they died.. :(...And other varieties lived but these 2 died....They were about 6 inches tall and very healthy....

I would say they are good when they get older and established but need a little extra loving when young.....As most superhots do....

Again....Good Luck
Yes, I plan to overwinter them inside. I have a Tepin that is on it's 3rd year, and it is doing well(comes in every winter), and is producing some blazing hot little peppers. I wanted to wait until January....but just couldn't do it.....:hell:

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I'm guessing you plan on growing these peppers indoor this winter and move them outside next year? I find growing Bhuts and Nagas no different than any other peppers in the right enviroment. Mine were not really tall monster plants but short and bushy. We all here understand the urge to start new plants, especially the fabled ghost pepper which lives up to it name. Much luck!:hell:
I am suprised by this thread really, i have started seedlings for the first time ever this season and the first ones to shoot out where the Dorsets, out of all the Dorsets i planted every one of them sprouted (thanks thsc).
I have no green thumb at all and that probably explains why i have only 1 Choc hab sprouted plus a pusa jwala and tobasco.
Still for a first try im happy, plus i have pirri-pirri and medusa to wait for as they were planted later.

Good luck with your plants mate, may the capsaicin gods be generous:)

Edit: Forgot to mention the White Hab seeds i have soaking at the moment (thanks moyboy:))
Novacastrian said:
Edit: Forgot to mention the White Hab seeds i have soaking at the moment (thanks moyboy:))

No worries mate ;)

Oh yeah I hate you.....For getting it easy with the dorsets..:P

If you are a good boy i will give you some white tomatos so you can have an all white chilli sause.....God i'm a nice guy:D
I would love that mate:) I have an extra dorset or two sprouted in pots if you are interested. I would love to help out after your recent bad luck.
If so p.m. me.
BigDogDaddy said:
I have read and read about how difficult it is to grow these monsters...so now my journey begins....wish me luck....talk at ya later.:hell:

I grow Naga Morich which are pretty similar to Bhut Jolokia and I have not found them to be any more or less difficult to grow than any other.
They take a long time to get from sprout to producing ripe pods, but other than that I have found them to actually be less sensitive and easier to manage than my Caribbean Red Habanero's. They also produced ripe fruit much sooner than the Habs.

I grew mine from seeds that I got from a pod sent to me by Pepp3rFreak.
I got 100% germination and actually had to eliminate several plants because I didn't expect them all to germinate and only had room for 2 Naga plants.
I am glad to hear the news...I look forward to getting them past the infantile stage, where they are less prone to keeling over.

The fatali's that I started germinated and sprouted in 6-8 days...is this the same kind of time frame I can expect from the Bhut's?

I transplanted the fatali's already into peat pots and they will be two weeks old in a couple more days, they are doing well.

Nothin quite like playin with fire...:mouthonfire:
BigDogDaddy said:
The fatali's that I started germinated and sprouted in 6-8 days...is this the same kind of time frame I can expect from the Bhut's?

Once again, mine are Naga Morich, so I'm not sure if they are exactly the same, but they are a very close relative.

Lots of folks told me that the naga seeds would take 3 or 4 weeks to sprout. Mine were poking out of the soil in about 7 days.
I guess it depends on the freshness and quality of the seed, as well as the conditions you are sprouting them.
I have a seed germinator with a warming pad and a plastic dome that keeps everyting real warm and moist.