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I survived my first Fatalli!

To be honest, I ate it in 2 bites, the second 25 minutes after the first, after having soothed myself with food and liquids. However, I ate the whole thing! The smell and taste are the exact complex, somewhat funky and tangy fruity flavor that my Bode Amarillo's have, but these are hotter, by several orders of magnitude! The capsicum must be bound in something, requiring saliva and abrasion to break it up, as the heat took almost 15 seconds to appear. It was an interesting experience, as I bit and chewed, and swirled it in mouth, however initially, I only sensed a little heat, then BAM, it felt like somebody dipped a fist full of ashes in my mouth. It took a good 10 minutes until most of the pain went away. I have a red mark on my face where the pepper must have touched.

I consider the Fatalli the 2nd hottest I have eaten. A dried Bhut was clearly hotter, however a supermarket orange hab was not as hot.
Second bite 25 minutes after the first?!?! You want to experience fatal love, gotta pop the whole thing in your mouth at once!

He he he
The fatalii plants I got from CCN have been strong producers. The ones I started from seed bloomed the first time much later, but are now loaded with green pods - which are finally starting to ripen. Hooray! Fataliis for everyone!

(Okay, well, I don't honestly have enough for EVERYONE, but I do have a lot of pods on the way, given I'm the only one here who will eat them!)

The fatalli I ate was one of yours. Love your comment bout "fatal love." I need to do these things slowly as it must have been more than a year, since I had that dried bhut. I need to build my superhot tolerance slowly. There is no way, I'm gonna eat any of the others (except maybe the Serrano's) in one bite.

I'm saving seeds from all peppers I eat now. Gonna try growing these next season.
i have about 2 more days before my first fatalii is ripe enough to eat, i am counting the days, it has taken 2 years to get to this point! there won't be a video!

and thank you, Gloria for the birthday wishes, you're an angel.
ah yes Fatalii, floral, hot, tasty a wonderful combo

one of my favs!! :onfire:

good work
i att one with a burger king cheese burger last year it was just as i said above :dance: :dance:

thanks your friend Joe
Congratulations Dragon49. I took my first fatalii about a month ago and haven't stopped yet! Actually just ate my last one and am looking for some more. :D So geeme if you have extras I would love to get in on that. :)
Are you asking for peppers or crack rocks? :rofl:


I'm sorry dragon49... I got distracted.. (Fatalli) PUT DOWN THE HABANEROS! Fatalli's are for sure the best. The fact that you posted about it proves so.
I've been challenged this Sunday to a 'video' of me eating a Butch T, Brain Strain, Bhut, Naga, etc.
I think us Fatalli lovers should start a club or something, we could call it "Fatalli Lovers Only" or something.
Well that might be a good starting point for our name but DAMN! aren't Fatalli's good!!!!!!! (I'm whatcha call.. Jarred)

Peace! dragon!
I've heard so many good things about Fatalii peppers that they are definitely going on my must grow list for next year.

With so many great varieties available to grow now, and limited space, it becomes a challenge to properly narrow down a pepper growing list.

But as far as yellow colored peppers go, i've already decided on Fatalii and Burkina so far for next year.

True Fatalii's are great. Pepp3rfreak has true ones growing and had me come over a week ago to clean of those plants so the green ones would have more energy available. Over 3 pounds of love. Most went in the freezer and when the fresh are done I will be snacking on them frozen.
All this talk about Fatallis made me break down and tear into one for the first time. Pod was picked a little over 2 weeks ago so it's probably not the best example to judge by. I'm no pepper pro but it tastes better than most of the habaneros I've tried (which isn't many...Jamaican Hot Chocolate seems like a tasty one) and seems a bit hotter. I'll probably try to grow a few next year.

I sgree with Dragon about the "delayed" heat... it does take a few seconds to kick in. The Bhut Jolokia pods on the other hand instantly pound me, and make my tongue feel like it's being stabbed repeatedly by tiny demons yielding red hot razor blades. Or something like that... :crazy:
I have mentioned this before, but Salsalady grows Fataliis that are so brutally hot they would qualify under anyone's definition of a superhot. I found this out last year when we were eating them with all the other hotties at the PNC Chile party. This year, Salsadude was passing them around and they were wicked. They were half green and half yellow and we all had a difficult time with the heat. Same great Fatalii flavor with punishing heat that lasted a long time.
i have about 2 more days before my first fatalii is ripe enough to eat, i am counting the days, it has taken 2 years to get to this point! there won't be a video!

and thank you, Gloria for the birthday wishes, you're an angel.

Happy birthday dude! may the chili make your birthday hotter!
i really lucked out because i bought pepper plants this year and i wanted something hot but knew very little about hot peppers, i knew about scotch bonnets and habs and the ghost but that was about it. i never heard of a fatali, it was suggested at the greenhouse as a hot one and i had no idea how hot they are until i came home and googled it. i was sure i made a big mistake cuz the hottest peppers i have eaten are long red slim cayenne or tabasco sauce, i have some dave's insanity sauce but it is so hot i seldom use it.

so when my plant had flowers i was excited then i saw 1 pepper. soon i had a dozen. in a few weeks they were turning yellow. i was quite pleased i got peppers from it.

so i started pretty much near the top of the line for heat and flavor. i love those fruits, they have such a nice citrus flavor with a delayed heat blast. i got maybe 2 dozen and i'm going to freeze most. i saved seeds and will grow a few plants next year.
Eating it one half at a time, huh? I reckon that's no different than eating two (albeit small ones) on separate occasions.