I Think I Ate Drano

Bought produce today. While I was shopping, I saw some beautiful, huge habaneros, so I bought some. I think they were labeled "golden habeneros." They were huge, thick-fleshed, and very shiny and smooth. Some were bright lemon yellow. Others were orange-red.

Got them home and cut a piece out to try one. It didn't seem very hot, so I figured it was a tame version for yuppies. Then I ate the rest of it.

If you ever want to find out exactly how fast your digestive system can get rid of something you've eaten, I highly recommend this approach. I felt like I swallowed hot rivets.

The pepper was very impressive, other than that. I'm saving seeds.

Whoops, I have to leave for a minute.
One drunken night...

I remember one night many years ago after a long night of homebrewing and drinking - I took a dare to eat one whole pickled carribean red habanero all at once.
Thank the lord I was drunk. I can't imagine what the pain would have been like if I was sober!
I remember being outside face down in the snow, trying to ease the heat... hah.
haha, funny stuff Steve. Yup the habs are known for cleaning ya out! I myself suffer from stomach/digestive issues and eating habs and other hot peppers daily keep me, with no other way to put it 'regular.' :mouthonfire: I've tried the high fiber diets and healthy things as well as medical route of medications and nothing helped until I found the hot pepper cure.
These were really exceptional peppers. I should buy a couple more and post photos. I doubt the local market has any idea what they really are.

The one I sliced into chili tonight was almost 3" long and bright yellow, but the others were round and very red.