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I think I've got something crazy here

So i was out picking some yellow brains and I came across these two pods. I am not sure what's going on. If it was a cross wouldn't all pods on the plant look like this? All the other pods look like the typical yellow brains. Anyways here's a few pics

They have some crazy stingers/tails on them






Thoughts? Comments?
Really nice pods, a lot can cause pod variation your is not to different, heat , amount of water at the time of developement even the amout of fertilizer its getting. If the pods were complety different shaped then I would wonder. I've got one plant that is full of pods and they range from typical to completly twisted and I mean twisted. So I know that the more odd shaped the pods are and Brain strains and Trinidad scorpions are quite different, the more oddities you might find.
I have a few plants that make similar pods they are 7-pot X Trinidad Scorpions from ajijoe seeds.
The larger ones left side are more developed and the tail is less verses the right side which are the smaller less developed ones.
Vincent, I have several yellow cardi scorps and a couple yellow 7's. Both species are very closely realted IMO. The majority of my pods do not have a perfect tail. But when conditions are perfect and my plants are happy with the enviroment ,I will get a super nice stinger. I did not have a single pod with a nice stinger al summer. As soon as the temps dipped below 90 all of my yellow 7's started putting out nice pods with some type of tail.