greenhouse I want a small green house for next year.

This one at Menards looks ok and during the summer i could cover just the frame with shade cloth. I just need something to give me a jump start in the spring on seedlings and extend my season maybe a month tops in the fall for just a couple plants. I would not be leaving the cover on it the entire season.
ShelterLogic® GrowIT® Peak 6' 6" x 6' x 8'

go for it, will need an extension cord / milkhouse heater for jan-march. they are cheap so np
if you had space / more money i would tell you to build your own hoop house.
Space is limited and this will fit on my lower patio. Electric outlets are closer there and it would get some protection from high winds.I figure once the shell is too far gone to be useful anymore it would make a nice frame for a shade cloth.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
I figure once the shell is too far gone to be useful anymore it would make a nice frame for a shade cloth.
Good point!
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Space is limited and this will fit on my lower patio
If it's concrete, it'll be pretty chilly. Don't forget to prop up your containers on some 2x4s or something ;)
I will probably use a product like DuroFoam or Foamular insulation board. One 4x8 sheet cut in half and leave a walk way in the center. or 2 sheets to cover the entire floor.
For that price it I might look into it :)
If it were my own, I use it to harden off the peppers that I started indoors... shade cloth and all.  During the heat of the summer though, it might get kind of warm in there.  But as long as the wind blows and the sun shines... Hot Peppers !!!
Experimented with a couple.  They had something like tent stakes to keep them on the ground.  Didn't work too well.  Had to keep getting them out of the cow pasture across the way too.  Trampolines and folding picnic tables too.  They all love the cows.  I wound up laying down a frame of 4 x 4 treated, then attached with large wood screws and washers.  Worked great for a few years, till the UV and rain got to them.  More than worth the money after I figured out how to keep them down.
I was reminded yesterday that the wind has been bad, knocked over my wooden table yesterday, something to think about if your in a windy area or noticeable weather changes.
This would be on a old concrete patio. Probably just drill holes in it for anchor plugs and bolt it down. The other thought is a wood frame and partial floor on each side/back. Then bolt it down to the floor.
DIY is best
10ft x 20ft 2x4 base
Fasten conduit on the inside and channel lock on the outside of the base.
It will last years and is modular.
Cant you just kick out the wife/girlfriend and put them in your house like the rest of the chilebrains do? hehe. j/k :D
Voodoo 6 said:
Cant you just kick out the wife/girlfriend and put them in your house like the rest of the chilebrains do? hehe. j/k :D

For getting a early start i could but to extend the season no. The season here just isnt long enough for some varieties without at least another month. I had plants still alive last year until October but they did very poorly after late September. Nights were just too cold.