seeds I want to grow some seedlings to sell this season.

Howdy all, I grow organic veggies for myself in my suburban homes backyard in the sf Bay Area. I had the hardest time finding quality super hot starts last year, and would like to start 40-60 to sell this year. I want to keep my expenses really low, so I can make my minimal profit, anyway just need some info on when to start seeds, where to get seeds, if I need more light, which varieties, etc.. here's what I got so far...
-no seeds
-basic indoor/outdoor growing knowledge
-a humongous square planter box that can be made into a diy greenhouse for the seedlings
-a little walkin in closet(if I take my drum set out)
- a $60 gift card
So I was thinking of going w/ bhut jolokia(I'm half Indian myself), Carolina reaper, and Trinidad( I just chose these three don't know why). And was looking at the 4 bulb 4 ft ho fluorescent lamps on, maybe I can buy 1 and combine withe 2 t12 fixtures I have. Any advice is greatly appreciated and all frugalist alternatives are also good. Thank you so much and happy new year!
Why thank you kind sir. Sorry for no introducing myself, this has been heavy on my mind for a while. I'm just so excited as well can't wait to start my tomatos and everything. Can't wait!
PepperDudeson said:
Craigslist, co worker, extended family, or ebay(I'm new and have slightly established ratings).

Craigslist works well... as for shipping you may wanna practice sending some to family or back to yourselffirst to get it right if not experienced with plant shipping...
I was thinking of starting Sometime in January once I get everything together. My reasoning is that peppers take so long to grow, and the bigger/more established plant would be worth more? I usually don't garden by time/date just when my instincts kick in. Are my instinct right this time?
midwestchilehead said:
Before you do all that, find out about necessary licensing in your state to sell plants. Start with the National Plant Board.
how much time and money does all that cost? seems like too much effort to put into wanting to sell a lousy 40-60 plants... most which im sure will be sold locally from what he's talking...
Oh, haha. I'm just doing this for fun/beer money. I decided on an Agrobrite 4ft 4 bulb ho fixture. I can use this in future for all my other starts, so it's a good investment. Man it's a nice light. I'm gonna make a stand for it outta thick pvc pipe. Thanks.
Good luck on the grow. Actually been considering the same thing here in California. Daughters want a job and I got a ton of seeds. So I thought this sure beats a lemon stand.
I did this last year and it worked out, here in canada where i sell them people really love them... I dont know if my starting seed mix is the proper one but it seems to work. I been doing the Sunshine #4 mix with humic acid, rock dust and my own wormcast compost and its been working wonders. Strong little plants ...... The next step as to transfer them its a bit different. The varieties that ive grown are, aji amarillos, rocotos, aji panca, aji moche, guajillo , ghost peppers and habaneros with a decent yield .... I wish I knew how to post pictures here.. and yes AJI limo as well .... so u should do just fine... i tend to use all the money i make to buy more yard of soil and compost to continue my food revolution here on my small little homestead garden 
I decided to not start indoors. I received the light, and I don't feel safe leaving it on for so long, especially when not home. I've always had this problem when trying to start indoor gardens. Well anyways I have bhut, moruga, and reaper seeds. Any possible way to start these without lights sometime before sf bay areas season? If not I'll just grow my regular garden for me/family and enjoy that. Thanks!
You don't need lights to germinate, you need heat.  But after they pop out of the seed, then they need light.  Do you have any windows that get alot of light during the day? 
Bpiela, thank you so much, you gave me hope again! Well my new approach would truly be frugal. Yes I can hatch them(paper towel method, then put them in the 72 jiffy cell greenhouse I bought. I feel safe using my t12 lamps so I can get them slightly past seedling under those, move to the empty guest rooms window(slightly south facing) for a little while. Eventually I will move to my humongous square planter which I will cover with plastic making a greenhouse type deal. Woo hoo!. I'm back in business $$$$. This will be more of an experiment though, thanks.