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ID help?

Got a plant full of these. Question is what are they

Thats the problem. I have multiple different peppers from a reliable source (according to the vault) that all look exactly like this. This is why I am going to stop with the superhots. Everything seems to be very unstable. People are in too big of a hurry to sell the new pepper. Way to much time and effort into a season to get such a low % of true plants.
LordHill said:
Thats the problem. I have multiple different peppers from a reliable source (according to the vault) that all look exactly like this. This is why I am going to stop with the superhots. Everything seems to be very unstable. People are in too big of a hurry to sell the new pepper. Way to much time and effort into a season to get such a low % of true plants.
That wouldnt stop me from growing superhots, I am growing 45 varieties this year and 10 of them arent what they were advertised as.  No big deal, part of the fun. 
You want pure seed stock than pick one plant that is true and only grow that plant.  With the onslaught of so many chili gardeners growing so many varieties you have to expect some variation.   That is part of the problem, but it is also why I started purchasing seeds from pepperlover to cut down on the variations and I also started Isolating plants this year to save my own seed stock. 
Just trying to be my own solution.
Pepperlover is the source I used this year, in hopes of better luck. That picture is a pepperlover.com Reaper.. of my 20 varieties, I have about 30% grow true this season. Absolutely intend on seed scavanging them and carrying on. I also just purchased multiple packs of smokin ed's carolina reapers. I will keep trying until I get my Reaper. After that I only intend to grow my own stock and various mid heat peppers. Supers are fun peppers, just lose their appeal when 60-70% of the varieties are seemingly random. Something different that desired is perfectly fine, when it is identifiable. One of my favorites is a Red Savina Hab that was suppose to be a Reaper last season. Great plant. But when people ask what is this one and the answer is "unknown superhot" that sucks
LordHill said:
Pepperlover is the source I used this year, in hopes of better luck. That picture is a pepperlover.com Reaper.. of my 20 varieties, I have about 30% grow true this season. Absolutely intend on seed scavanging them and carrying on. I also just purchased multiple packs of smokin ed's carolina reapers. I will keep trying until I get my Reaper. After that I only intend to grow my own stock and various mid heat peppers. Supers are fun peppers, just lose their appeal when 60-70% of the varieties are seemingly random. Something different that desired is perfectly fine, when it is identifiable. One of my favorites is a Red Savina Hab that was suppose to be a Reaper last season. Great plant. But when people ask what is this one and the answer is "unknown superhot" that sucks
So far everything I received from Miss Judy is spot on, even the best can make mistakes.  If you cared to contact her I would assume she would correct the situation as she has done to others who have had problems. 
I bought 6 Reaper plants at a local garden center this year and they are all Trinidad Scorpions, lol  I have one lonely Reaper plant this year which I isolated and will be saving seed stock from.  I had netting over it but doesnt mean it will be 100% because no matter what you do you cant keep out everything.  The only way to ensure 100% for season is to grow only one pepper type at a time.  
Ron Elkins of Ghost Pepper farms in Florida only grows Red Bhut Jolokia Assam peppers and his peppers are top notch, He has stated he will grow nothing else ever to contaminate his business. 
Just my thoughts 
Oh absolutely, I am sure Judy would make it right, but thats not necessary.. I am by no means trying to bad mouth her or her business by any means. Im not angry, just curious what this is. I know mix ups happen and with new peppers their are stability issues. I have nothing but good to say about pepperlover.com .. not only did they fill my order in a very timely manner it had twice the varieties I ordered. I ordered 3 types of peppers, she gave me 6.

No complaints and I will absolutely order from them again. As anyone would, I prefer to get what I think I plant, but if that fails I am good with at least knowing what I ended up with. Just a bummer when its unknown.

This could still be a reaper, reapers are notoriously unstable and varying in looks. I will know when it ripens and throw it in my mouth lol.

The brown moruga I got from her appear to be growing true, we will see if they are brown. The yellow brains are a little early, but promising as well.