With regards to the epsom salt, if you don't have a legitimate requirement - as in an actual diagnosed deficiency - I personally wouldn't recommend it - especially every 7-10 days. It's not that it's detrimental, per se, but if your plant doesn't absolutely need it, I'd be more worried about spraying foliage, and inviting fungus or bacterial growth. If your plant doesn't need it, anyway, you are just making the leaves wet, because the plant won't use it, if it isn't needed. Even so, putting it into the soil would be the more efficient method.
The picture with the torn leaf just looks like it just coincides with the edge of your container. Could have been wind, animal, accidental mishandling, etc. As for the rest, I'd hate to tell you that you have something severe, like leaf spot. (it could be insect damage) But I'd definitely keep an eye on it, and possibly use a fungicide, if it gets worse - but not before discontinued wetting of the foliage. Keep an eye on it.
The bone meal probably isn't going to do much good, as it's really not readily available, and takes quite a awhile to become so. If you want to stay organic, and actually feel (based on a test, preferably) that you need phosphorus supplementation, then another type of bat quano would be considerably more effective. (there is a difference in guanos, depending on the diet of the bats - and you can build some fantastic fertilizers from them)