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If it rains for a day or two (on and off) and my potted peppers are outside...

Will they be in danger of dying or overwatering even though there are drain holes? I mean the soil will be quite wet for a few days. I'm guessing overwatering is when its happening constantly or very frequently and not just for a few days in a row?

By the way, how come my outdoor plants grow 10x faster after a rainfall vs if I water them with a hose? Chlorinated water bad or does rain water pick up nutrients on the way down somehow? Just curious :)
I'm dealing with the same dilemma and so far I'm leaving them outside. It will also depend on how much of the pot the roots take up. Most of my pots are Terracotta and that aids drying out.
Rain in most areas is acidic; acid soil releases nutrients. I've noticed the same thing here; I'm now getting all of the rain water I can collect. I'm trying to water with only rain water. And yeah, I think chlorine plays into this as well because it's a negative to growth..
AjarnV said:
Rain in most areas is acidic; acid soil releases nutrients.
learn something new everyday huh

I wouldn't worry about it, when you think about it how much water are they actually getting? and as long as your soil mix is good i can't see 2 days being an issue, now if it turns into larger period of time then i may start to worry
The rain is even better for your plants during a thundershower ;)
Don't wory too much about rain, just make sure your plants aren't in a tray that will collect and hold water. You want them to drain as best as they can. Even keeping them off the ground if possible helps keep things dryer
My plants are in containers on our deck. Lots of holes drilled in the bottom for drainage, but my soil isn't the best and tends to get a little water logged. We've been getting lots of rain and thunderstorms in Central VA and the plants aren't thrilled about it, but they always look fine a day or two after the rain/storm. The only plants I bring in out of the rain are my little girl's cherry tomato plants and that's only because they're seedlings and there's no way they could survive a heavy storm right now.
Thanks guys for all the reponses. I dont feel so paranoid now. They definitely got a good watering last night and will get more today and maybe tomorrow....although its not non stop rain. Its just a couple hours of showers each day. I think tomorrow will be the end of it and then there will be sun.
Been having daily thunderstorms here as the Florida wet season starts to kick into gear. I've actually noticed that all of my plants love it, not only peppers. I was gone for the long weekend, and when I got back I was surprised to find at least a half dozen nice-sized eggplants that weren't there before I left. I definitely think the peppers like the rain water better than the tap water too (cleaner, better ph, no chlorine, who knows?). They always seem to grow much faster with the rain. Plus I don't have to break my back and sweat a gallon or two by having to water 50 potted plants every single day. I consider rain a blessing, for many reasons!
my poolfence pots have been getting saturated with the last week or so being a constant rainfall.. they're still looking good (even though its getting cold) and the fruit are starting to change colour... sometimes i think we worry too much about little bits and pieces.. i've found that the meaner i treat em, the better they reward me :)
I live in the mountains of NC, and we're getting pretty much the same storms you are. It SUCKS! Its starting to wrinkle my leaves. Some of the smaller plants are even leaning over. lol