water If overwatering is so bad, how come the Aerogarden works?

I am trying to figure out why over watering a pepper plant leads to damping off, yellow leaves, fungus and other maladies yet hydroponic solutions like the Aerogarden (which supplies a constant stream of water to the roots) works wonderfully? :think:
Riddle me that Batman...
When I grow in 5gal buckets I have 1/2" holes top to bottom all the way around the bucket
56 holes to be exact,then there are ten in the bottom

N8thaniel said:
wet roots isnt a problem-lack of oxygen in the root zone is 
hydroponics use air pumps to keep the solution highly aerated 
juanitos said:
yup there is a small air stone in the reservoir of aerogarden.
Maybe in one of the smaller models (?) but not in the normal aerogardens.
The solution circulates by pump up to the top and drips down the roots, creating aeration from the water circulation and increased surface area exposure to the atmosphere.  The same way a sufficiently flowing fish tank filter aerates water, without the need of a bubble stone.
As posted,there is a BIG difference between water flow and OVER WET SOIL.
MOST hydroponics or ? are  a flow of nutes in a constant flow.
Not wet.soggy soil.
See the stuff people use as soil/medium for Hydro.
Hydro water runs through the soil.
See the 5-1-1 soil mixes.
Basically Hydro...
Lots of posts about Hydro type stuff here.
Lots of versions of it- non soil methods to grow.
Soil and Hydro are no where near the same thing.