If you are a noob, and you know it, raise your hand!

I am getting many people just commenting on what I said and others who have asked for seeds. I had mentioned that you need to post and then mention you want the seeds, so the first person who has formally asked for the seeds was emon069, and I think at this point, I am still counting 6 requests. If you want the seeds and haven't mentioned that so I know for sure you are wanting the seeds, write back again, and I will still take you in order of your original post. SanPatricio did not mention you wanted seeds, but I got your PM already, so you too are on the list for seeds.
As far as not being around. I don't really post in any forum all that much. I have posted 60 times in a little less than a year, but I usually just post when someone has a question that I think can answer. In most cases, there are plenty of people who know more about peppers than I do here, but when I see general cultivation questions that I think I can help people with, then you will see me post. I think my best post may have been one of my first posts, where I talked about how people can grow their peppers all year round without any aphids eating their plants, without the use of pesticides. I don't do a lot of just talking about stuff, or making quick comments about what others have written. I am on 17 different yahoo groups and 5 of them are cycad related, and I have my own BB where I also answer cycad questions for people. I also get about 10 to 15 e-mails every single day from people I have never met, or will never meet, and they will never be a customer, but they want me to help them with their cycad problems, so I am spending about 2 hours on the computer every day, just answering questions for people. If I had $5 for every person I helped for free, I could have retired already. That all has become too much like work, but reading what is on this site and getting to meet more pepper people has been fun again, I just don't have all that much time to do it. I'm also the president of The Cycad Society, which is an international society, and I have to spend a lot of time on the computer dealing with all aspects of running the society as well. When it is daylight, I am usually outside taking care of my 30,000+ plants all by myself. The only reason I am writing right now is that it is raining outside. Last night, I was writing my post around midnight.
If by noob you mean always learning something new here, then I am raising my hand high. Don't need seeds, but I will say it is nice to see someone actually say thanks for us being us.
Hey there Tom, I would like to say that your offering is indeed very generous. Like scoville stated alot of newbs ask for handouts as opposed to offering them.
The other day I offered KingDenniz a few jamaican scotch bonnet seeds, and by the time I offered he had already got some..but then I started getting requests
for the seeds and when I told the people I would send some and if they had anything extra in return as way of trade they could send whatever, then they started saying, well I don't have any extras, This is my first garden, yada yada yada. I did send a few to a couple of people anyway but newbs definitely aren't generally as generous as you.
Thanks again for your generousity,

P.S. I had to look up what a cycad was, pretty cool plants!
The generosity on this forum is unlike any other forum I've ever been on. If by luck there are any left over seeds lying around I too would love to try and grow these seeds. :)

Love to get any seeds that you can spare :)

What is a cycad? (I guess I'll google it)

I agree people here are super cool I had the pleasure of meeting TEAMCOLE (Rich and his lovely wife Renee) in Texas and they were awesome people.

Learned a lot from them. They gave me some plants and seeds to get started which I appreciate a whole lot.

But the best part of my road trip were Renee's Screwdrivers.....delicious!!!
Hey cycadjungle,

If it's alright with you, and people can wait a couple extra days, I will add 8 packs of 7 Pot Douglah seeds to go along with your Moruga Scorpions. That's actually how I first got Douglah seeds. Someone was giving away Bhut seeds here in the marketplace, and another member popped in and added Douglahs to the offer. I grew them out, and they are still the hottest pods I have ever tried. I have about 15 plants outside right now. Let me know. I can get them out to you tomorrow.
Hey Tom, I Know I can wait a couple of extra days, don't know about the others but for some douglahs I definitely can wait. Oh yeah, thanks for the offer Muskymojo.
Musky, that is very cool of you. I have contacted the 8 people who made the cut first, and who qualified (I had said US only) and have their addresses already. They are firedragon,sanpatricio,alihombre,emon069,loafers,big pepper,durham bull, and barleypop57. I have a lot more people wanting seeds that didn't make it in time, if you want to jump in and give some of the others a chance at some seeds, feel free to contact them. Maybe, some of the people on my list might not want douglahs and someone else who missed out might want some. I'll PM in a few minutes with my address.
What are cycads? Cycads are the oldest, living, seed bearing plants left on Earth. They date back to 225 million years. They predate the flowering plants by a good 100 million years. There are about 280 species and every one is on the endangered species list. (CITES appendix 1 and 2) A few species are now totally extinct in the wild, usually from poaching. To give you an example or two, several years ago an article came out in a south african journal talking about a species where there was only 15 plants left and they were on a 2000 foot tall cliff and they were hanging over on the top. A couple of months later, the local conservation authorities caught these guys repelling out of a helicopter, chipping away at the last existing plants. Encephalartos dyerianus comes from only one hill in the entire world. That hill is surrounded by a 15 foot tall chain link fence and has a 24 hour guard carrying AK 47s to keep people from removing the existing plants. These plants have separate male and female plants and I have to collect the pollen from the male cones and then hand pollinate the female cones when they are receptive, which is a 5 day period. One plant, E. woodii was collected at the turn of the 19th century and only a male plant was ever found, so it can't be propagated by seeds. They are only propagated by offsets, and a 4 inch offset that has rooted in and leafed out goes for about $12,000 in California. What I do is breed these plants and send seeds all over the world. (app.1 only in the US and app. 2 all over the world) The Cycad Society helps educate people on all this and we donated funds for conservation projects all over the world. If you want to read about cycads, I will send my main page, but I have cultivation articles on just about any subject someone could think of. Someday, I would like to write some short articles on pepper cultivation to put on my new pepper website to help new people with growing peppers, but I still have a whole lot to learn before that. Here is my main page to my website:
The Cycad Jungle, cycad, Tom Broome, Zamia, Ceratozamia, Encephalartos, Dioon,
and here is my brand new site that needs a lot of work still:
Seriously Hot Peppers
Right on. I'm on my way to the post office with 8 packs of seeds. If some people don't want them, they can pass them along to someone who does.
Hi guys, I picked up the douglahs today. Thanks again musky! I should be getting the 8 packs off tomorrow, Friday at the worst. I think I have all my facts together, but if I have a problem with someone, I'll PM you. I'll let you all know when I send them out. Musky, you have the same little plastic bags that I bought to put seeds in, a pleasant surprise. At least they will fit in perfectly for the way I was planning to ship the other seeds. Good luck you guys with your seeds. Tom

I got the seeds out today, (Friday)you guys should be getting them the middle of next week. Good luck with them, and have fun. Tom