favorite If you could only grow "one" superhot ?

Hi Guy's

Simple question...............if you could only grow "one" superhot 😲

What would it be ? 🤔

And why ? 🤔

Personally at present I'm finding it hard to see past the Dorset Naga hot , tasty, prolific easy to grow 😋


2023 Dorset Naga 😎 I recently bet a friend £100 if he could count the flower's and fruit on my plant......Still got my £100 🤣 and lots of tasty Dorset Naga's 😋 a win win !

If you think different I'd love to hear 🤔 convince me I'm wrong ? Go on I dare you ! 😁

I'd be happy to be proved wrong .............
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Bih Jolokia caramel (maybe not a super hot though?) or 7 Pot Nebru. Both are prolific and taste awesome. BJC turns into an incredible powder while the 7-Nebru makes an amazing vivid yellow tropical flavored sauce!
Carolina reaper. can be finicky as hel to grow, but it is still my top superhot flavourwise.

that being said the only super I am actually growing this year is red brain strain. I saw a seedling at a local erhnic supermarket and couldn't help myself , even though I had no intentions of growing supers this year .
Carolina reaper. can be finicky as hel to grow, but it is still my top superhot flavourwise.

that being said the only super I am actually growing this year is red brain strain. I saw a seedling at a local erhnic supermarket and couldn't help myself , even though I had no intentions of growing supers this year .
It's my first year growing Reapers. I'm just curious what you think is finicky about them and how to eliminate problems.
weather is typically my problem, other than my being a less than conscientious gardener.

Reapers need an almost perfect growing season weatherwise where I live, because it is short.

when I was growing them every year, i might get 1 really good year in 4. two that were a little disappointing, and some years where I would have to bring the plants indoors well into fall, sometimes until almost Christmas to get a harvest . (I grow in pots and 5gallon buckets mostly for that reason)

as for tips, my best advice is to go into the growing forum section and follow the advice of the gurus there .

their growing knowledge outstrips mine exponentially. 😀
Hi Guy's

Firstly Marc is your 7 pot yellow from Justin 🤔 I have 7 pot yellow seed from him I shall be growing 2024 :thumbsup: how early/ prolific are you finding it ?

I have his chocolate scotch bonnet very prolific really impressed much earlier and more prolific than his scotch brains Yellow f5 and chocolate f3 at last for me in my wee greenhouse.

Secondly Guy's carolina reaper.........from anecdotal evidence from multiple growers blogs they seem still very unstable small pod's 😳 🤔 perhaps it's just poor seed ?

I trying 7 pot Douglah, Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw this year both are producing but neither are prolific or ripe .......yet for me.

My carolina reaper seeds didn't germinate ! I'm not bashing your carolina reaper I sowed 30 chocolate Habanero from 3 different sources to net one plant !
this year i had really high hopes for my 7 pot Primo's
But the weather screwed me big time the last few weeks...alot of flowers but no fruit yet..

My only surviving Jay's peach is slowly starting to produce fruit

Will grow them for sure next season
Hi Guy's

Firstly Marc is your 7 pot yellow from Justin 🤔 I have 7 pot yellow seed from him I shall be growing 2024 :thumbsup: how early/ prolific are you finding it ?

My yellow 7pot brain strain is indeed from Justin. My earliest chinense is the schneider farms scotch bonnet and the 7pot is a close second and is quite productive also. The 7pot was sown somewhere begin September 2022 I believe and it already started flowering in February while (obviously) still inside. Very satisfied with it! I will probably also grow the red version from Justin next season and in the mean time I also got my hands on seeds of the chocolate variety but those seeds are from some local seed seller (tessgruun.eu) which I never bought from before.

It is also my experience that the scotch brains is ripening later than both my scotch bonnets and 7pot brain strain yellow. And then there also appears to be a difference in ripening time between the regular scotch brains and the scotch brains 7pot pheno which in my case is earlier and also more productive.
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Bih Jolokia caramel (maybe not a super hot though?) or 7 Pot Nebru. Both are prolific and taste awesome. BJC turns into an incredible powder while the 7-Nebru makes an amazing vivid yellow tropical flavored sauce!

Dude .... your very convincing ...... now I gotta go place another order (BJC).

Thanks a lot 😆😆😆

Prolific and taste are basically my two main categories when look for different chili types .... heat is secondary for me.
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For me, it’s the Trinidad Red Moruga Scorpion. The flavor profile compliments many dishes without any bitterness and has a good balance on the floral and citrusy notes. It makes an excellent power, too. They’re really tasty when smoked lightly, as well. I think they taste way better than the Carolina Reaper but, that’s just my opinion. Many others might disagree but, I’m an avid fan of this pepper. I‘ve had in-ground plants get 6+ feet tall and 5+ feet wide with insane yields more than any other superhot I’ve grown.
For me, it’s the Trinidad Red Moruga Scorpion. The flavor profile compliments many dishes without any bitterness and has a good balance on the floral and citrusy notes. It makes an excellent power, too. They’re really tasty when smoked lightly, as well. I think they taste way better than the Carolina Reaper but, that’s just my opinion. Many others might disagree but, I’m an avid fan of this pepper. I‘ve had in-ground plants get 6+ feet tall and 5+ feet wide with insane yields more than any other superhot I’ve grown.

I’ve been hearing this a lot lately from different growers about the Moruga …. So much so I had to try and pop some really old seeds. These seeds are easily 13-14 years old I believe I bought them back around 2009-2010 when Judy was still running pepperlover.

It popped before fresh seed from a new vendor lol. Hopefully a sign of good things to come. It will be going into a 16 gallon pot so hopefully it can get some impressive size on it

You won’t be disappointed. Feed it every two weeks until it flowers and again (reduce the nitrogen) when pods start forming. You can continue feeding the plant but, I don’t find it necessary given the yield ratio from the added labor/cost over not feeding in the way late stages. Keep it on the dry side moisture wise, too. There’s not a ton of fussijg over them. They’re pretty resilient. ENJOY!!! Positive Vibrations…
So mine would be something called "Maha X" that I got in a box in 2015. I tried tracing it back and came up with dead ends. I still don't know what it is but the flavor was sweet, not floral, and every seasoned grower I know that tried them agreed it was the most unique super they'd had. I don't even know if I have seeds anymore, honestly. 🌶️🌶️

RB003 (Reaper x Brain Strain cross) for me. The pods are consistently gnarly and hot, and the plants are productive. The flavor is also a bit better than most red superhots IMO; I haven't noticed much floral or bitterness with these yet. Yellow Brain Strain might be my runner-up, for similar reasons of having good heat and flavor. The RB003s have been gnarlier and more productive for me though, which is why it is my top pick right now. I am also growing the Warthog for the first time this year, and I will be interested to see how those compare. A big thank you to Matthew Arthur for freely sharing seeds for his Warthog with the world a few months ago!