media I'm Coco for my Big Black Mama

I had an extra plant that I started late and thought I would try an outdoor grow in pure coco and perlite. I buffered the mixture in Cal-Mag and planted it in the lightest colored fabric bag I had (2 gallon Dirt Pot). I will be feeding it with General Hydroponics CocoTek grow and bloom formulas. I like adding coco to soil mixes but never did a pure coco grow, especially outside in the summer heat. I have a deep dish saucer to put under it to help with keeping it moist. We'll see what happens. I should get some pods as last year I picked the last of my serranos 2 days before Thanksgiving here in Bama.


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Why in the world do you want to "Grow" and "Bloom"? Once a pepper starts setting pods, there's neither a need to try to encourage flowering, nor any stopping it...

I've been doing outdoor coco grows for years. Love the stuff.
I already had the nutrients... figured I'd use them up instead of letting them take up space and gather dust. Next year I'm going to do more coco grows. I rather like the way it performs. It stays moist better than I ever thought it would outside.
I like to add about 5% quality worm castings to outdoors plantings. Other than that, 75% coco, 25% perlite. And if you like the way it grows, check out CNS17 Grow, or DynaGro Foliage Pro. Both are 3-1-2, and work a treat.