• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

I'm in Tropic's and need to ask about plants

I'm in Thailand with no winter, so how long will my Tomato plants live ? Plus my Pumkins, peas, eggplant, corn ?
I was glad to hear that my chili plants would live for years,, LOL. I just can't leave them with any body else.
I'm in Thailand with no winter, so how long will my Tomato plants live ? Plus my Pumkins, peas, eggplant, corn ?
I was glad to hear that my chili plants would live for years,, LOL. I just can't leave them with any body else.

Tomatoes? Possibly years, just like Capsicum. They are both in the night shade family. As to the others? Wait and see. :)
We should probably ask siling_labuyo about it since he's the one i know that's grown tomatoes longer than i have.

Also growing tomatoes now. Plan on growing tons of them along with my peppers.
if your tomatoes are indeterminate vars, as long as they don't get any disease, could live for more than a year or two or even more. they just get hard to maintain due to their entangling vines.

i got 2 eggplants that are on their 1st year next month. Still produces fruits though.

not sure with corn peas and pumpkins. but i think corns,(and not sure) once it produced ears, it will die eventually. plan to try corn also maybe around december..

do you get a lot of typhoons on your side of the globe? that's our major concern here.
I can speak about corn; once it ears up, that's it. One crop per planting.
We just finished our corn harvest and it was grand, but finished now. Cheers.

Edit; here you can stagger the planting, just like peanuts, to keep the harvest going. Just be sure to plant enough at one time to ensure pollination.
i'd be interested in growing some sweet corn of my own. got the space for it. just worried about the soil quality of my ground. not really nice. and coming to know that corn eats up alot of nutes and i wanted to grow organically is kinda gonna make this quite difficult.

well whatever. i'll finish growing what i already have first. worry about it later.
according to some quick searching online, apparently nope. they don't like it cold and wet. they prefer the weather dryer and hot. not too dry. apparently it's a summer crop. probably best to plant in mid january to february in the Philippines. to get an early season picking of corn. =D



Have just started to plant any and everything. Have been having mixed luck. Now I'm trying to do Kiwi fruit... I'm waiting for Some new seeds in the mail. Some cool Chilies I hope I will get them.
Hi where do you get your seeds? I'm just interested, There is a place here in the US that might ship to you. Its called Baker's Creek Heirloom seeds I know that they will ship seeds to Turkey and Afganastan. Might be worth the look. I know that they have eggplants from your part of the world. The owner travels all over the world collecting seeds. Sorry I didn't mean to hijack your post.
George W.
Ok still trying stuff. Just found out I've got some billy biker jalapenos plants. As were a mix of 5 seeds so had to wait to eat to know what they were. As for the Prik si dang very easy to see as don't look like any of the other of the mix. Should be easy to see the ancho as well I hope. The other 2 are hungy wax and anihaim. Still waiting on thoughs. Chives I've got are no doing very well, hope the winter they'll do better. Habs are not doing great ether. Hope winter they'll do better as well