I dug up my back yard, all except about four feet from the deck. It is about 30x40 feet. Of course, I grew more than peppers (beans, cucumbers, eggplant, basil, four varieties of tomatoes, carrots, beets, squash, potatoes, mustard, cabbage, kale, onions, bell peppers, plus the habs, Thai, jalapeno and Hungarian peppers. Ended up with about 125 quarts of tomato juice, 36 quarts of green beans and carrots, several packages of squash, two dozen pints of beets, several packages of eggplant, 20 quarts of whole tomatoes, 20 pints of dill pickles, some dehydrated cabbage, quite a bit of pepper powder, a few bottle of hot sauce and 50 pounds of potatoes. Not bad for about $80 in seeds, plants and fertilizer. I'll have about 8x40 feet to donate to peppers next year, all in containers. That spot of ground is dead - not even weeds will grow there. But it gets full sun, almost the entire day except for one corner. Probably have about 30 varietes, with three of each plant.