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I'm old emough to remember when...


Remember milk at school for a nickle?

Four square

Wall ball


Truth or dare

Jumping from the highdive

Chasing blue belly lizards

Frying ants with a magnifying glass

Lemonaide stands

Washing the car for a quarter

Flying kites

Splashing in mud puddles

Teaching your little brother to cuss

Hours making villages for your hotwheels

Tree houses

Water balloons

Water weenies

Squirt guns no bigger than your hand


Nurf balls at the pool

Wiffle ball

Hide and seek


Koolaide in your thormas

Chicken noodle soup mom made

Moms hot coco with extra marshmellows
Remember when "Made in Hong Kong" meant it was going to fall apart?

Remember when K-mart stuff was just as bad?

Remember when McDonalds had a count, on their sign, for how many served?

Remember having to change out of your school clothes before going out to play?

Remember playing hide-n-seek untill the street lights came on?

Remember penny carnivals, where the prizes were small plastic spider rings and tiny bouncy balls?

Remember when girls/boys were icky and would likely give you cooties?

Remember eating cereal and watching Saturday morning cartoons untill mom kicked you outta the house saying "go play"?